Sunday, February 5, 2023

Understanding the early Pedigree Chart produced by James Sanders


Trying to make the best use of  James Sanders' family Pedigree Chart. The one item that really surprises me is William (Robert 3, William 2, John 1)'s son Robert. The Parish Registers for Luxborough clearly show that Robert was his eldest son and that he was baptized 27 Nov 1611 at Luxborough Parish Church. Having Robert 3 deceased in 1612 is another huge mystery. The will which I believe that Robert 3 written in 1627 was fairly exact except for his reference to Mary/Marie. His is keen to provide for her but why choose her above his other grandchildren. She was the second born child of William (Robert 3, William 2 John 1) although I can not find a baptism for her. Also the second son of William (Robert 3, William 2, John 1), also a William, is shown to be deceased on this chart but his mother's will (James Sanders' does provide a short transcript) clearly names her son William in her will along with his son and her grandson Thomas. By 1627 Robert (William 2, John 1) was elderly even if he wasn't born as early as 1540 (maximum he is 87 years of age). I will continue looking at the available land records to see if I can get any help with this one problem item of naming Mary as a daughter. 

I had forgotten that I also have the Somerset Hearth Tax, Acland Estate Act, Visitation of Somerset 1531-1575 and a few other gems like transcriptions of the Parish Registers although I do go back to the originals as I purchased both at the time way back in 2008 to help me in my pursuit of as much detail as possible. 

Sunday though and Church on You-Tube. It is minus 21 degrees celsius so slowly warming up although slower than was anticipated perhaps. The evening finished last night with the extraction of the rather errant large balloon that was flying across Canada and the United States (in error China said). It is good that it was brought down as it could have fallen on a ship at sea and one doesn't really need things falling out of the sky at sea bad enough to have it happen on land. We feel defensive here in the Western Hemisphere ever since Pearl Harbour to be honest. Really countries should understand that. China, we continue to listen to your comments on Russia being afraid of NATO, but one might say that is a bit ridiculous after an entire year of our sitting on the sidelines watching as Russia destroys Ukraine; kills her children, women and men and continues the war there. Just as we supplied you China before and during WWII and Russia when you were invaded by the Axis powers during WW II so we help Ukraine which has been invaded by Nazi Russia.

I am happy to have American ships patrolling about because the world's oceans are not as safe as they once were. The British Navy certainly provides protection as well. I wish we had a large Navy - also pushed for that in my comments to the various political parties that send me emails. There is a comment today that 67% of Canadians think Canada is broken. I think we are stuck in the same inflation spiral that the rest of the world has and we just have to get out of that; we are not broken. We just do not spend enough on the military but we are caught in a spiral of monies being spent for past sins that really needs to be spent on the armed forces. There is a war going on; by sitting on the sidelines (albeit we are supplying Ukraine with weaponry) we have prevented a Third World War thus far. Russia, now a Fascist state, though is like most  Fascist states (they do not care about their own people) but Russia could look to Spain for an example. General Francisco Franco, who realized that Fascism does not work well at the time that Mussolini was overthrown in 1943, moved Spain towards a more democratic political system. By his death Spain was handed back once again to the Monarchy (the actual descendant of the former Monarch) and a democratic state. Franco was successful because he did not invade other countries nor did he threaten them; indeed, although he paid lip service to the Hitler Nazi state, he did not militarily support it and was a useful go-between for the allies as they dealt with the war effort. Instead the Nazi Putin has chosen the Hitler style and that only ends in grief for the Russian people. He has failed the Russian people completely and continues to make their situation in the world worse and worse. Forgiveness can come but the price for it becomes higher and higher as the murders go on and on in Ukraine. Get out of Ukraine Russia and return to your borders as established at the Fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union collapsed because you went to war against Afghanistan in your lust for power and land. Imperialism is dead. I love the British Commonwealth but I do realize the problems that exist within it. If troublemakers can just keep their noses out then the transition can occur which makes it much easier for people to flow between the countries of the Commonwealth and everyone will benefit. But the Soviet Union did not help their enforced adherents bound to them by the Iron Curtain; they barely moved out of the post World War II era until the fall of the Soviet Union. 

I hope this is a wake up call for China - the balloon. We are not the enemies of the Chinese State nor the Russian State - you are your own worst enemies where we, the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere you call the West, are concerned. We do not wish you ill but you wish that for us because you want to control and dominate. We just want to get along; get rid of the pirates on the oceans and live our lives in peace.

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