Thursday, February 2, 2023

While I was running

While I was doing my fourty minute run today I had a thought about the will of Robert Siderfin written in 1627. Although I am fairly well convinced that this will is by Robert son of William who was the son of John (located in the Luxborough, Somerset area in 1500). I wanted to do a what if he was the son of Robert that James Sanders has dying in 1612. I then built up the Third Generation chart from the Parish Registers as before and tried to have Robert b c 1587 (there is a fragment of the parish register showing that a Siderfin child was baptized in that year) being the author of the 1627 will. He would have been 30 years of age and writing about first Robert Siderfin the son of William Siderfin first in the will but if he was Robert why would he talk about his brother's son Robert? Then he mentions Robert Westeron son of William Westeron (Jone Siderfin (his aunt) married William Westeron)) and then he talks about Robert Siderfin the son of Robert Siderfin of Mynehead and that would appear to be himself talking in the third person otherwise who else is he? 

As I made the chart for the William Line I did note that Christian in her will mentions the three children of her son Robert as Wilmot, Robert and John which just happens to be the three children baptized at Minehead that I had in my thinking placed with the brother of William namely Robert. There isn't a baptism for a John Siderfin in 1614 or within a few years of that date. The only child listed for Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) on James Sander' Chart is John of Wootton Courtney, b about 1614. So not that Robert's will but it was good to stop and think about that possibility. I wonder why James Sanders ignored both the full will of Robert Siderfin (1627) and the full will of Christian Siderfin (1648)? He does mention the will of Christian but only a very short abstract. 

Needed to record this so that I do not travel this route too many times! Creating the charts for each level could prove to be rewarding in the future as it gathers up the information from the will into one neat concise package. 

I also found a memorial to Richard Blackford and his wife Elizabeth Blackburn; he died in 1688 and she died in 1668. I found that sort of interesting as I was looking at Elizabeth (daughter of Robert (William 2, John 10) and there was a thought that she married a James Nurcombe. James Sanders hasn't committed to anything in her line. However, a little further down he does have Robert Siderfin marrying Elizabeth Blackford which is incorrect; there is a will by Augustine Question naming his daughter Elizabeth as the wife of Robert Siderfin and correctly naming all of their children. I became thoughtful on this wondering if a Blackford marriage had occurred as Richard Blackford in his will of 1688 mentions his cousin Robert Siderfin and interestingly enough John Question of Dunster (father of the Augustine mentioned above). Also Elizabeth's date of death (daughter of Robert) is listed as 1668 (sort of an interesting coincidence). 

Running is a wonderful exercise and one does tend to ponder whatever is in your mind at the moment!

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