Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Yellow gold sunrise in the east

This morning there is a yellow gold sunrise in the east and the winter sunrise continues probably for at least another month but it is earlier now at 6:45 in the morning. It is very clear this morning and my laneway is all melted out for the most part. Just the end and I do not chip the ice out of there as the street still has plenty of ice on it and you just get a pool of water if you do not leave the ice at the end of the laneway. Yesterday I went and bought groceries for the first time in three weeks. Likely I have enough for another month. I gradually run out of fresh milk (I have powdered milk) and fresh vegetables but I have lots of frozen so try to make the trek just every few weeks if I can in the winter (at least that is my new way this year). Next year I might just have the groceries delivered. Time will tell. It is nice to get out though and give the car a run especially after the really cold weather. Still only 25,000 kilometres on it and not likely to increase much this spring, summer and fall either - perhaps another couple of thousand. The car is running well and I am going to buy a kayak and go kayaking with my daughter on the Ottawa River. It will be fun. Last summer I just walked around the park waiting for her to return but this year I shall be out there with the beavers and the herons. I do love boating but the canoe was just too heavy for me to handle lifting it up on the car. 

Yesterday the basement cleaned and moving on to the main floor and upstairs today. It takes me about 1.5 days to clean now which is not too bad for this nearly 77.5 year old. I used to do it in one day until I went back to work and paid my daughters - the one to clean and the other to wash clothes. That handled most of the heavy work and my husband and the girls made dinner as I was the last to arrive home in the evening from work. Edward discovered a love of cooking and he made some fabulous meals for us which we greatly enjoyed especially after he retired although there was just three of us then as our eldest daughter had gone off to do her masters and then PhD. Our daughters were eight years apart and I had organized myself going back to doing my masters when our little surprise appeared so stayed home with her and continued proofreading and copyediting journals and other material for another twelve years. I could have done both the masters and raised our second daughter but decided to stay with her; I just felt more comfortable doing that - everyone is different likely. 

Looked at the material for the Pincombe-Pinkham newsletter from the last issue and can see my path to complete the next one. I may get a start today but more likely tomorrow as the cleaning will take most of the day. I am definitely getting older. Got a nice letter from a real estate person so will keep her name for the day when we sell this house probably some time in the future unless the girls change their minds and decide to keep it longer but at some point I will find it harder to manage I expect with the three floors although both my grandparents managed stairs until they passed away and my parents were also still doing stairs in their 80s as I recall so one never knows for sure. Stairs are good exercise and running as well. Still running fourty minutes a day although it is around the basement and not the city blocks!

Prayers continuing for Turkey and Syria; more survivors brought out but the numbers are coming down and the deaths are increasing with more than 37,000 people dead already and the UN has mentioned this might increase to 50,000 or more.  So very sad and so many orphaned children. 

Prayers continuing for Ukraine as they fight the invading armies of Russia. Glory to Ukraine and death to the invaders. 

Hopefully we will not have to shoot down any more illegal objects in the flight paths over Canada and the United States. Still no word on the last three objects. Could they be from somewhere else? If we hadn't been bombed at Pearl Harbour we could maybe look at these items differently but we must guard our skies against aggression. One wonders if it is Russia trying to create trouble in all the world; sending flying objects towards us since they are different from the initial balloon. They are such a barbaric nation; Rise up O Russia and cast off your Nazi Psychopathic warlords Putin and his enablers. They, Putin and his enablers, are sending the young Russian men to their deaths as cannon fodder but not the sons of the Nazi Psychopaths Putin and his enablers just the sons of people that they do not care if they lose.

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