Saturday, March 4, 2023

Completed the 1524-7 Devon Lay Subsidy

It was a very useful task to read through the entire 1524-7 Lay Devon Subsidy. The Tyncombe family was I believe larger at this time than in the later Subsidies but still centered around the same area. I still believe they are a different free standing and much older Devon family. I did not find any more individuals that I would add to the Pencombe family in this time period. I did manage to collect names that might assist me in understanding the families that married into the Pincombe family (mine) in the Bishops Nympton area where they lived from the latter part of the 1500s until the mid 1800s. 

Today I want to return to the Siderfin census and BMBs continuing the marrying up those two files which then take me from 1911 back into the 1600s. I do have the Somerset Lay Subsidy in 1641-2 and will also need to hunt out my London information as some of the Siderfin family were in the London area in the 1600s. The bulk of the records in the 1700s and 1800s belong to my Siderfin line likely coming down from Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). Likely I will need to look at the 2000 plus entries for Siderfin in Find My Past but it would be easier if I could just go through that set quickly. I do not believe that all these Siderfin lines daughtered out with the other son's lines (namely William (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and Thomas (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) but looking at James Sander's chart I could be mistaken on that as he does show most of these lines daughtering out. I do need to determine if any of these lines did come down to the 1900s still carrying the Siderfin surname. Some say that I should not use that term as it sounds derogatory; I tend to see it from the viewpoint that another line did not daughter out because in this case a Siderfin helped to carry on another line. I do not think one would call me a feminist by today's standards; I just see everybody as absolutely equal under Heaven. I believe that man and woman are equal and that life flows better when men and women work together for the betterment of the world.

Heavy snow today and as I look out the window the snow is coming down thickly; I believe it is to last most of the day at least until mid-afternoon. Will it be our last big snowfall of the year. Hard to tell. We often get our heaviest snows in March but this has been a heavy snowfall year and generally we do get snow falls into April but they tend to be lighter in April. Even in March I still love the falling snow. It has an ethereal beauty all of its own. Somehow dreary rain just does not compare. But I have spent most of my life in Canada, trips into the United States through the years (many of them) and our trips to Europe and the British Isles and Mexico. Will I travel a lot more? No ideas on that.  The desire to travel is not strong in me unless I am going to see something that I really want to see. My first air flight was in 2001 to Rome, Italy. A pilgrimage for me and it was a fantastic experience being over the Atlantic Ocean (I mostly slept but woke up in time to see the sunrise as we flew over the Alps). Rome was wonderful and my first European City to visit and we flew from there to London, England and my second European City to visit. Both were wondrous and I still relish that first flight and those two cities. I was fifty six years of age and strange that I never flew before but I just never had any place that I wanted to go to that involved flying nor did my job ever require me to fly anywhere. Had I married and gone to Africa when I was seventeen that would have been a boat trip likely as it was in the early to mid 60s when traveling by boat was commoner. Life flows and at each time in your life there are moments when the path divides but depending on our age that path is determined by parents or by yourself. It is nice to be an adult determining one's path. 

On to the day; breakfast awaits. Probably I will not be outside today unless I clear the patio at the back of snow.

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