Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Continuing to work on the Ancestry matches

Along with cleaning the basement yesterday, I continued to work on the Ancestry matches. I have now looked at three of four siblings matches in common and not in common and found only one where I did not agree with placement on the paternal side; rather it is the maternal side. I will look into the  Thrulines though to see why that path was selected as it is a match in common with all four of us. A number of the unassigned have now been assigned and just a few not assigned. It is an interesting process though and thank you to Ancestry for adding it to their repertoire of analyses to look at. 

Another beautiful day in God's world. Every day brings us closer to spring; the snow is slowly melting (minus 4 degrees celsius at 7:00 a.m.) and looking out the window I think the snowdrops are blooming. Must check that out a little later. The larger cleaning day is today and I will soon begin. 

I have my seeds and small greenhouse ready to go and will probably plant towards the end of April. Last year we culled the old raspberry bushes and so the back of the garden should be ready for planting. Must get a large bag of earth this year as I need to redo the front of the lawn as the winter can be hard on that area. We continue to work on regenerative gardening and fresh earth is part of that. 

Other than that it is a cloudy day and we are promised part sun/part cloud. We may get up to 4 degrees celsius which is great news for the Maple Syrup people - hopefully it will be a good crop. 

On to breakfast and cleaning. Thank you God for another beautiful day on Earth and to Mother Nature for the bountiful spring flowers that have broken through the ground still surrounded by snow but gradually melting. Listening to my Psalms this morning; they are beautiful. The Lenten theme published by PWRDF is "Love that Changes us." This week we have concentrated on Ethiopia and their struggles with conflict and now the resolution that has come to them. Justice and accountability are called for in that unnecessary war and so it should be. All wars should end; the hazards to our world are too great. Let us live in peace on God's earth; give all the nuclear weapons to the charge of the United Nations; we may need them one day to protect ourselves. Blessed are the peacemakers.

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