Sunday, March 19, 2023

Lent without Borders - Love that seeks the Common Good

A beautiful fitting theme for the fourth week of Lent - Love that Seeks the Common Good. Would that the entire world could think in that way this week of Lent. We are a responding world; when Türkiye and Syria were shattered by an earthquake the whole world responded to help save as many as could be saved. The teams of rescue worked tirelessly day after day and the world almost stood still for those moments. It was a very sad day for all of us. As the President of China heads to Moscow this week coming the world again waits to see if he can bring the miracle of peace to a horrible war. My prayers are as always with the people of Ukraine who are being daily murdered in this war. 

Today once again Church on You-Tube and I am late this morning having found an exciting new match on 23 and Me which I followed up and created yet another new file to add to my growing list since I last entered them into the system that I use.

Yesterday was a busy day and I could not get to my Siderfin research to any degree. I started the Blake Newsletter and have an article from one of the members of the yDNA group that will excite some of the Blake members since it deals with their ancestry. Thank you so very much to the member submitting his article. Now into Volume 12 it seems like a very long time since I started that Newsletter and the world too seems like a different place; the watershed time of COVID has changed us forever. 

The Blake Newsletter will follow along somewhat in the same vein as last time in that I have not yet made it to the Family History Centre but suspect I might be able to do that in June for the July 1st Blake Newsletter. The Lay Subsidies are certainly very valuable documents looking at different families in different areas. 

If people are looking to gain appreciation in our world they need to do something that helps the world; creating havoc even in a very small area is detrimental to the very foundations of the world itself. We must have peace and respect for boundaries as established by the United Nations both at the end of the Second World War and the Fall of the Soviet Union. We, the world, are not responsible for the Fall of the Soviet Union. They did it to themselves when they attacked Afghanistan. The world deserves the best care that we can give it not constant bombing and murdering of innocent people. 

On to the day and breakfast. May there be peace on earth.


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