Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Minehead Parish Registers and Siderfin

 Continuing to look for missing items or unattached items brought attention to the baptism of Robert Siderfin 7 May 1689 son of Robert and Elizabeth Siderfin and the baptism of Walter Siderfin 28 Jan 1691/2 son of Robert and Elizabeth Siderfin both at Minehead. Looking at James Sanders chart Walter being an unusual forename in this family at that time is easily spotted. There now appears to be two marriages of a Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth (unknown) one likely sometime in the early 1650s and a second in the mid to late 1680s. The baptisms for the first couple was at Timberscombe and the second couple at Minehead. In this same time frame William Siderfin and his wife Mary (Terrel) Siderfin have baptized two children at Minehead namely Robert baptized 22 Feb 1693 and Mary baptized 1 Sep 1698 and buried 24 Sep 1698 at Minehead. This part of the chart is quite incorrect as he has a John as parent to Robert and Walter (years are correct Robert 1689 and Walter 1692). Correcting the line coming down from Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and showing the three children baptized at Minehead Wilmot 1614, Robert 1616 and John 1619 makes assigning these children according to the Parish Registers a different picture than shown. 

It is unknown whether Wilmot married at this time. Robert must be the Robert married to an Elizabeth and baptizing an Elizabeth Siderfin in 1656 at Timberscombe (fits with the Protestation Returns as there is a Robert senior and a Robert junior there). Robert Senior was baptized in 1616 and so would have been 40 when Elizabeth was baptized in 1656, I have not yet found a baptism for a Robert son of Robert and Elizabeth at Timberscombe who would be on the Protestation Return and the likely Robert (also married to an Elizabeth) baptizing Robert and Walter at Minehead in 1689 and 1692 (charting I am noting that James Sanders has two children for the marriage of Robert Siderfin (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) at Croydon  and one of his wives (when not in London he lives at Croydon) but the baptisms at Minehead for Robert and Walter were marked as the children of Robert and Elizabeth plus Robert married Catharine Polkins in London. A little confusion there as I had forgotten about the children from this marriage of Robert Siderfin and one of his four wives on page 29 of his original book - where they were born/baptized is unknown; I can not find them; they are not mentioned in his will dated 14th June 1715). Likewise I have found a John Siderfin baptized at Wootton Courtney in 1656 son of a John Siderfin. This person is not really placed yet (the only Siderfin baptism in Wootton Courtney in this time frame). 

Sliding ahead and working backwards, Robert Siderfin son of John was baptized at Selworthy 23 Aug 1658 and given the place and the year this is the Robert Siderfin married to Elizabeth Question. Location fits into this family and I feel safe placing him in the chart as the son of John and Thomasin (unknown) Siderfin as he is mentioned in his mother's will and in his maternal grandfather Augustine Question's will. Thomasin does not mention any other son although Walter and William were alive and at a similar age at this time to her son Robert (John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and the sons of Robert and Elizabeth (unknown) Siderfin baptized at Minehead. Robert Siderfin at Minehead is not the Robert Siderfin mentioned as cousin in Thomasin's will. Rather it is the Robert Siderfin at West Lynch and Timberscombe (son of Robert (Robert 3, William 2, and John 1) who was at Minehead when his children were baptized but at West Lynch and Timberscombe when the Protestation Return was taken. This is likely Robert (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) on the chart born 1620  and dying 1673. This Robert is then likely the Robert mentioned in Christian Siderfin's will (his mother) and father of a Wilmot, Robert and John mentioned in the will. The similarity of forenames does introduce an element of confusion. This Robert for whom I have not yet found a baptism would be born circa 1650s-1660s living at Minehead and the Robert married to an Elizabeth with children Robert and Walter and so the line to them is inaccurate coming down from Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). As the descendants of the eldest son William (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) a crest, if created by an earlier generation would have come down into this line and we do see William's wife Mary (Terrel) in his will of 1746 sealing the will with the usual Siderfin crest. Was it created with a difference? no ideas on that; will leave that for Arms people. I do not see the crest used in the line of Robert Siderfin (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). 

Must create a flow chart that includes all of this information as it is rather more of a change than I thought it would be. The bulk of the descendants beyond Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth Question do belong to this couple. Although I have still not read through all of the 2424 entries on Find My Past. Certainly at this point William (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) does not appear to have descendants. Robert, his brother, said to be married to Joanna Kittener and of East Linch baptized 1689 (which does match the baptism of a Robert son of Robert and Elizabeth (unknown) Siderfin at Minehead 7 May 1689). The land records need to resolve whether there were in fact two Robert Siderfins living at East Linch in this time period. If  not two then Thomasine referring to Robert Siderfin as a cousin is perhaps unusual in that he was more of her husband's kinsman (second cousin) rather than a first cousin. Writing it down is somewhat helpful but needing to chart it ever more important as it is somewhat easy to become confused. Being Canadian I have only my thoughts on visiting with second cousins in England that this is considered a somewhat more distant relationship than that of first cousin and generally referred to as kin rather than the closeness of a first cousin. The subsidy of 1642 at Minehead does have two mentions for Robert Siderfin, Timberscombe has a  Robert Junior and Senior (Timberscombe and Lynch do tend to get lumped together for this family). Today charting perhaps. 

When one finally feels satisfied with the evidence connecting one's ancestor back another generation that has been very difficult - Robert Siderfin son of Thomasin and now his father John and knowing that this John must logically be the youngest child of Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) there is a sense of relief and acceptance that almost moves one to halt and simply move on but ideally I would like to revise this book for the future and hopefully in that future more and more material will become available to assist with understanding all of these lines clearly. The most exciting thing about the computer age is the ability to revise and rewrite (always obeying history) and keep bringing the story of Homo sapiens on into the future. What God has created all those thousands of years ago has evolved in a rather marvelous way for the most part to the generations that walk the earth now looking for peace and a good life. It is amazing how little I have purchased in my lifetime and yet my bit in purchasing helps to keep the market economy strong; being a hermit my needs are very few - Edward made up for that by his tendency towards buying everything that he fancied.

Prayers for Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine. The latest comments appear to say that Russia has no intention of seeking peace and withdrawal from Ukraine but rather a war in which they plan to annihilate as many Ukrainians as they can and take as much land as they can without regard for international law. The nazis Putin and his enablers in Russia seek to undermine the western resolve. Will China put an end to it? The world waits and watches. It is a defining moment in history I think especially for China; after all they presented a peace plan but have not yet told Russia to get out of the Ukraine.

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