Thursday, March 23, 2023

No surprises there

 An interesting day of research and of life in the world; there were no surprises just confirmations in both. No matter how nice people are in the world their inability to be flexible always rises to the surface even when you give them due respect at what they could do and claim to want to do; I can always be proven wrong in that regard; we are a forgiving type of people when people do the right thing. No matter what those who wish evil and commit evil do to the world the goodness always permeates the atmosphere because God is there waiting and watching. His strength is our strength. In the long run it is all about God and not about evil. We just, as Homo sapiens, have to look beyond the evil that lies in vicious greedy war mongering autocrats and keep the faith. Right now it is the people of Ukraine who need that faith and constant support because if we do not then they fall to evil. Life could be so very good for all the world except for evil. The greedy war mongering autocratic types of the world do horrendous and dreadful deeds all for greed for themselves and their enablers.

Today President Biden visits Canada. One has to really be impressed by him because he had the tenacity, the courage and the faith to go to Ukraine to support them, listen to them, be there for them and he is 80 years of age. The same for Prince William, younger, just 40, with three small children, no hiding behind royal palaces and all that protection; he went to Poland to visit the British troops there and everyone else. We have really wonderful leaders in our world and then there are the ones who appear to be only evil.

Now for the interesting day of research and as I complete each generation in a manner that best suits the available data the next generation gives me new challenges that just need to be solved or stated so that in the future the opportunity might be there to look at ever more records and solve that interesting presentation of data. I am now into James Sanders' comments on the descendants of Thomas (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) who lived in both London and Croydon as well as Wheddon. Both lines appear to daughter out in James Sanders' writings and his chart. But he does mention that Robert (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) at Croydon had two sons with, interestingly, the same names as the sons of Robert (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). Lots of looking at land records, transcribing a couple of wills I did not do before and looking at exact data in Find My Past. No more work yet on the 2424 hits on Find my Past; still at Page 35. It is interesting though that James Sanders' chart does not have these two sons attached to Robert (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). These two forenames (in an appropriate time) are named as the sons of John (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) who was baptized 15 Jul 1656 at Wootton Courtney and married to Mary a marriage not yet located by me but I continue to look. So was it just an error on James Sanders part to list them in the book since he doesn't have them on the chart? An interesting conundrum for sure and the land records certainly do not give me anything to convince me that these two individuals existed as the sons of Robert (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1); they are not named in their father's will nor in their step-mother's will. 

Continuing in this frame I will spend the day on research in God's world. Thank you God for all that you give to us. May the world survive the foolish war mongers that are now amongst us. Life could be so good for the world; that was the aim of extending the olive branch to mainland China way back in my youth now. To help them to become a more industrialized nation and part of the world. Always always it seems to be thrown back at us these gifts of friendship and help but your faith helps us to keep moving forward to that uplifted plain where there is peace for all mankind. May the United Nations solve the problems of the world; the world is there for everyone not just the war mongers.

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