Friday, March 24, 2023

President Biden in Canada

With our enormous border between us, the United States and Canada have been friends for all the time that Canada has existed as an independent country. Although we continue as part of the Monarchy of the United Kingdom we are an independent country that simply has the King (King Charles III) as our Head of State represented in Canada by our Governor General Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon who greeted President Biden at the airport. It is an honour to have the President of the United States visiting our country and he will speak to Parliament today. 

Yesterday was highly productive. I transcribed a second will this time for the Anne that married Thomas Siderfin (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). Thomas was born circa 1637 at Luxborough  (baptism not located) and married first to Elizabeth Lightmaker before 1665 in London, England (Elizabeth died in 1665). He was a Barrister of the Middle Temple and married Ann (possibly Hinde as her mother is mentioned in her will) next and they had a daughter Anne (Christiana) baptized 12 Sep 1675 at St Dunstan in the West, London, England. This daughter married Johannes Darch and they had four sons - Thomas Darch, Robert Darch, James Darch, and Philip Darch. Still learning more about this particular family since they are mentioned in the will of Robert Siderfin (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) who was a younger brother to this Thomas of the Middle Temple. 

Anne Siderfin does leave an interesting will. She is the widow of Thomas Siderfin (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) as she mentions that her husband’s clerk at the Temple was a Mr Edward Haberfeild. According to James Sander’s chart they had a daughter named Anne but she does not mention her in this will although her husband has provided for her in his will.

Only an abstract remains of the will of Thomas Siderfin – her husband:

Thomas Siderfin of the Middle temple, London, Esq.: Will dated March 17 1678. Proved 15 June 1681 by Ann Siderfin the Relict (98 North). To my wife Ann, George Evelyn and Henry Pollexfen Esqre and my brother Robert Siderfin, my messuages of Crodon, Manors of Exton and South Quarme (in Exton). Lands in Carhampton, Somerset and in Lambeth, Withypoole, Hawkridge, Cutcombe, Luccombe, Timberscombe and Lands elsewhere, in trust to pay my wife £1000 and £100 a year during widowhood and my daughter Anne £2000 at 21 years of age and £50 per annum and if they die the premises in Somerset to my brother Robert Siderfin his heirs male of his body - Wife Executrix in presence of Robert Darch, Wilmote Westrene, William Jordan, wife's mother Ann Hinde.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Mar 2023
Source: National Archives, UK, PROB 11/493/121
Place: Lambeth, Surrey, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 22 Mar 1686/7, probated 05 March 1707

Tm: Anne Siderfin

1    I Anne Siderfin of the parish of Lambeth in the County of
2    Surrey Widow being in perfect health of body and of sound and
3    right Judgement in mind doe make this my last Will and
4    Testament in manner and forme following First I commend
5    my Soul into the hands of God in full hopes and expectation
6    of a blessed Resurrection and the forgiveness of all my Sinns
7    through the merits and by the precious blood of Jesus Christ
8    my only Saviour and Redeemer Next I give my body to the
9    earth from whence it came to be therein interred in the
10    Parish Church of Lambeth in the County of Surrey as near as
11    possible to my dear husband and Mother after such manner
12    as is decent and suitable to my Quality and Condition Item I
13    give to the poor of the parish of Lambeth five pounds to be given
14    them on the day of my burial Item I give Twenty pounds a
15    year to the poor of Lambeth Tenn pounds of which to be
16    distributed to them on the Second day of June yearly five pounds
17    of it in bread and five in money The other Tenn pounds to be
18    laid out in frize Coats or Gowns for six old Men and six old
19    women. What is left of Tenn pounds after the Twelve Coats
20    or Gowns are bought to be given equally among them in money
21    to be given on Christmas Eve yearly Item I give to my Cousin
22    Jane Knight if living at the time of my death the summe of
23    fifty pounds to my Cousin       Gould likewise if then
24    living the summe of 40 pounds to Bridget Mott my own Maid
25    the Summe of Fifty pounds if then living with me and five pounds
26    to buy her Mourning and all my wearing Cloaths Which
27    five pounds and my wearing Cloaths I give to whoever else
28    shall be my own Maid at the time of my death To Mary
29    Greene Widow who was a long time my Mother’s Servant
30    the Summe of Fifty pounds if living at my death to Mr Edward
31    Haberfeild of the Temple who was my Husband’s Clerke the
32    summe of Fifty pounds to buy himself and Wife Mourning
33    and something to keep in remembrance of me Item I give to
34    all my Servants that shall be with me at the time of my death
35    a Year’s Wages to buy them Mourning Item I doe give the Summe of
36    fifty pounds to Sir Peter Rich if living them for a Legacy Item to
37    my Aunt Gee I doe give all my personal Estate which is in plate
38    Linnen Rings and householdstuffe and my broad gold Item I doe
39    give to her two eldest sons Orlando and John Gee to each of them
40    the Summe of Tenn pounds and To the youngest my Godsonn
41    Lackery Gee the Summe of Fifty pounds Item I doe give to
42    Thomas Scrivener the Summe of Tenn pounds if then living
43    Item I doe give to my Cousin Gil: East of London                 the
44    summe of Tenn pound to buy him a Ring for remembrance of
45    me Lastly I doe make his Sonn my cousin William East of the
46    Middle Temple Esquire Sole heir to all my Estate of Land and
47    houses freehold and copyhold to which I am or may be any
48    ways intituled which I hereby give to him and the heirs of his
49    body but in case he dyes without such heirs Then I doe make
50    my Godsonn Lackery Gee heir to my Estate in Land and
51    houses as before mentioned And if he should happen to dye
52    without heirs Then to his Brother John Gee and his
53    heirs And for want of such Issue to his Brother Orlando
54    Gee but if they should all dye without Children to my Aunt
55    Elizabeth Gee if she survive them Item I doe appoint all
56    the Legacies which I have hereby given to be paid within halfe
57    a year after my decease Item I doe make my Cousin William
58    East before mentioned Sole Executor of this my last Will and
59    Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my
60    Hand and Seale this 22 day of March in the year of our Lord
61    1686/7 and in the Third year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord
62    King James the Second Anne Siderfin Signed Sealed and
63    Published in the presence of three witnesses John Smith
64    Rebecca Cleeve Jane Smith
65    Probatum fuit humoi Testamentum apud London
66    coram venti viro Willimo Clements Legum doctore Surro
67    ventis et egregij viri domini Richard Raines Militis Legum
68    etiam doctoris Curia Prerogative Cantuariensis Magri Custode
69    sive Commissary etime constitute Quinto die mensis Martij
70    Anno domini Millesimo Septingenimo Sexto Juramento William
71    East Executoris in dicto Testamento nominat cui commissa fuit
72    administrato omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et
73    creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter admistrando
74    eadem ad Sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat Ex

An interesting will which says nothing about Siderfin and seems to be contrary to her husband's will but it didn't actually matter as Thomas and his brother Robert both died heavily in debt.

More thoughts on the world and how we as Canada fit in. I actually do support the idea of having a border wall (perhaps a satellite system that constantly keeps the entire border area in its sights) between the United States and Canada to control gun and drug trafficking. We are a huge country (the second largest in the world) with just under 40 million people mostly along the border so policing that border is not an easy thing. It has been the longest undefended border in the world but we have entered into a new age where nefarious people deal in drugs and guns that are harmful to people for the simple reason that whoever is behind it is out to create as much havoc in North America as they possibly can. Who is behind it? That maybe a mystery to me but I am sure that CSIS and the FBI know more about that. Greed for land and desire to dominate is the new creed for some countries. I do not believe that we in North America are interested in dominating the world; we simply want to live in it without war and so we were part of creating the United Nations which was to help with that; too bad not everyone is on board with that idea.  

We actually need to have people stop wars when that ability is under their control (the loss of Ukrainian life and property is horrific and unacceptable - they have done nothing wrong; also dreadful the death of all those young Russians). It isn't a world of us against anyone; it is time to think of Mother Earth and preserving her for the future generations (North Korea constantly testing bombs in our oceans is a hazard to fish life/fish ecosystems (and I suspect is part of this ongoing unsettling of the earth's crust giving us so many earthquakes)). This should be a no-brainer as well (that it should be stopped), those who can stop it should for the good of the world (the world will certainly honour your effort at the United Nations)).

On to breakfast. Back to the 2424 hits for Siderfin at Find My Past.

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