Saturday, April 1, 2023

An interesting headline - a Colorado low is headed our way would we like heavy rain or heavy snow?

 Sitting in my 20 degree celsius house and reading this headline struck me rather amusingly today. I prefer the 20 degree temperature in the house - anything above that feels stifling but I did live in the attic which was a little less controlled heatwise but had air conditioning (unusual in the 50s but there you go that was what my father's company did although generally in those days only businesses like restaurants had air conditioning) so always a coolish temperature in the summer. Actually I keep the air conditioning at 25 so that it doesn't come on very often either except in the really warm month of July when we can get days of heat over 30. A Colorado low is headed our way which promises heavy rain or heavy snow. Imagine being able to choose (we can not), either way it is a lot of water or a lot of snow. Since I have planned the next week not to have to go out unless I really want to it doesn't actually matter to me very much. The snow is pretty and melts slowly so no flooding for any lowlands which I am not living on. However, southwestern Ontario is in the direct line of that storm and I do feel sorry for them as it will likely be a mix and lots of freezing rain and a real mess for sure. 

Yesterday I worked away on Rawlings in several different ways mostly out of curiosity. Although initially the fact that I was the largest match for Rawlings (every match included me and my amount was always the largest) I began to think about the other three testing companies (FT DNA, 23 and Me and My Heritage); was it true for them as well. It is not so rather interesting where I actually have the chromosomal picture and many more matches. Is it because I am being subjective and limiting the ones that I actually look at in Ancestry - likely if one thinks about it; the look is not random.  There are 206 matches from the other three companies that appear to be or definitely are Rawlings. Some of the names at Ancestry are duplicated in these other databases. Looking at Rawlings will be a major project rather than a sideline as I examine the possibilities. It is a good project to start on and can sit on the backburner pulling it out when I feel like a good puzzle. I like that idea and will go with it. The picture from Ancestry is interesting as I can distinctly see some of the lines going back and joining and will see what the picture looks like in the other world where one knows the chromosome and value that is matching. The best matches appear to be second cousin to fourth cousin which is great as I do not have any first cousins anyway. Having lots of siblings has proven to be a major asset in this look at the matches. Although the amount of data is enormous with five siblings tested, I struggle with containing all the matches and getting them sorted as I barely get one set done and another set is waiting for me to sort (23 new matches and I am becoming stricter on the matches that I choose to keep so that each one requires a certain amount of time to record into the various structures that I have created). What Ancestry is telling me is that my Rawlings is coming from our MRCA William Rawlins and Elizabeth Lywood when the matches are matching my half second cousin once removed and my second-third cousin who is primarily Lywood it would appear. The matches that I can not place with Rawlins or Lywood belong to my paternal grandmother's father's descendants or his ancestor's matches down a sibling line. Possibly not many of them have tested. Did they all survive (overall the possible father had three marriages and seven children (all of these children appear to have survived and I have traced them down one generation). What I need to do is actually look at the matches and see if I have a match with one of these descendants. I have not yet done that.

Such sadness in the St Lawrence River - two infants have drowned along with their family and another family trying to enter the United States illegally. I would wish that they could just be satisfied with getting into Canada. If you want to go to the United States then wait and go there; do not make us watch as children drown that were born here and could have grown up here and had a good life (both of the babies were born here).

A grey day out there as we wait for whatever is coming - April now and the snow is melting slowly away but still covering most of the yard with the fresh snowfall yesterday. The moisture is good though; the drought comes in July. 

On to breakfast and today I have left open for daydreaming, exercise and a webinar on DNA this morning. The daydreaming is deciding what items to work on this month until it is time to work on the Kipp Newsletter and I shall prepare an H11 newsletter in the hopes that Russia will decide to join this century and get out of Ukraine and stop killing the people there. They are trying to play a brain game with those who prefer peace - by keeping this killing field that they started going. They think we will tire of all the killing but it isn't our call; Ukraine will decide and Russia suffering in the process is not our problem either; they asked for it. Their only recourse that they constantly return to is nuclear war and we all know the result of that (better known as a Mexican standoff). Could they actually win with total mobilisation or would the killing field simply expand and we would have to watch as more and more Russian men die instead of being home with their families (it is sickening to see all of that death)? In the meantime Russia is destroying their economy, sending the young blood of their country to die in a war that they started and creating havoc in a world that had moved towards peace (if we actually look at it in the long term Russia and the Nazis signed a pact to divide up Poland way back in the early part of the Second World War but then the Nazis decided to attack Russia (so we helped Russia) but at the end of the war all Russia could think about was enslaving as much territory as they could before the other Allies halted that process; Russia has always had war on the brain one might think - (think of the Iron Curtain they created) peace has never been an option it would appear except when they went bankrupt invading Afghanistan (or they needed our help after a disaster like Chernobyl)). Love thy neighbour as thyself (God's words through Jesus) and you might be surprised at what emerges from such a relationship. When countries share economies they can come closer together but there needs to be an incentive. Brutal force is never an incentive. Peace is such a lovely word and certainly much more economically feasible. Prayers for Ukraine.

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