Monday, April 17, 2023

An outside day

 Yesterday after Church was an outside day with a little cleaning up here and there. Mostly just checking out the property and things that I need to do. My weight lifting has stood me in good stead all winter and the increase in size of weights I am noticing now that I am out and about doing some work. I have thought about increasing the size of the weights that I lift for a while but finally decided to go for it. It was hard at first and I went to every other day lifting instead of every day but now after a month of lifting the new weights I am becoming more capable. It does take a little bit to increase the weights it would appear but I will appreciate it this summer as we work on the yard. Plus I am going to buy a kayak and the increased muscle will be handy I suspect although it does not take a great deal of strength to kayak. 

Still thinking about yesterday's sermon and how well it was delivered and it is on YouTube. It was like an answer to the ideas put forth on National television by another Christian Church's minister. It was needed especially at Easter time (atheism is a scourge on mankind; it separates us from the history and beliefs of humankind from the beginning of time as we know it). The Creator appears in all of our societies around the world; the spiritualism leaders of peoples who saw the creation differently than those in the Christian faith. But we are all one in the world; all of us Homo sapiens and each faith must be respected. But atheism takes away the love and hope that God and Jesus gave to us in the Old and New Testament and in the stories of the ancestors of other cultures. Studying and working in science one can really appreciate the logical and orderly nature of science in all of the world's parts and pieces. As we delve deeper and deeper into particles we are seeing God I think; at least God at work. The Universe is so perfect in its construction and yet within that there are wayward asteroids and comets but they too have served their purpose through time bringing to the various planets the necessary materials for life itself. Perhaps in the lifetime of the babies now being born we will travel the cosmos and learn even more about our God. Is there life out there? Did God only send Jesus to earth? So many questions. The orderly realms of science have arisen and produced all that we see around us and God saw it and it was good. But we are failing at protecting the earth and all of its beings; entire species are being lost.

Today is cleaning day and must get that started soon enough. It is a grey day and rain is promised. Now that the ground is unfrozen lots of rain to wet it down. Even the heavy snows of last winter have now been absorbed and the ground waits for more. Mud Season is the most important time of the year really; we must have lots of moisture for planting and growing of the crops. 

It is comforting to see yet another great continent has come together to handle aggression - the African continent has quickly rallied to manage the conflict in Sudan (internal conflicts are always difficult; sometimes you just have to circle the wagons and prevent breakouts). That is the way that probably works best. When aggression occurs we need these quick responses to counter that where ever it occurs. Else wise we are just back where we were in the 30s when aggressive nations just attacked and took what they wanted until we had regained the strength to stop them. We must keep supplying Ukraine with what it needs to defeat and cast out the Nazi Russians. Then we must protect the peace by all means at the disposal of the United Nations. 

Today some work on the Kipp Newsletter. I need to rough it out and then put it together. Probably it will not take a long time but I like to give myself a couple of weeks before it is published. Then I can get back to the Siderfin book which I want to accomplish this year. 

On to breakfast.

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