Monday, April 10, 2023

Another day in God's World

The day begins with a golden glow in the east; we are gifted another day in God's world. Ian White's Psalms are playing as they have pretty much all through Lent. There was a promise in the Old Testaments fulfilled by the birth of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Last Supper and the New Commandments to lead us forward in time. Mankind should be happy and peaceful and perhaps this day will see an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Russia will pack up and leave Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine. Prayers for Ukraine as always. 

Watching my television yesterday I think I was rather shocked to see that a United Church in Canada has an atheist minister. Admittedly I was quite shocked so many years ago now to have gone to the United Church with my husband (his birth church) and child and heard several women discussing abortion as just a lump of protoplasm and that the church had made that point. I wanted to cover my daughter's ears so that she would not hear such blasphemy - life is sacred. But I did not do that because in my late teen years working in a hospital lab I did see for myself the disastrous consequences of a botched abortion with a 16 year old dying - a needless death. We have come a long way in terms of how to deal with such events in our society but the most prominent belief that I have acquired through the years is that it is a women's right to decide whether she will have a child but please do not fool yourself into thinking it is a lump of protoplasm. It is a conceived being much like anywhere in the mammalian kingdom - I am sure that a lion or tiger or elephant weeps at the loss of an infant that does not survive to term. The procreation of the species is our duty on earth (I would never have chosen an abortion myself but I did not face that choice). A woman does get to choose for herself. I am deeply troubled that an atheist is a minister of a Church of Christ but it is my thought only; I just wouldn't attend; really when I heard the "lump of protoplasm" I really did not want to be where I was nor did I want my child to hear such a thing. What I wanted her to hear was that the pregnancy was not something that could continue because there were medical reasons and that does include mental health but always it is a woman's choice. My own breakdown many many years ago tells me that mental anguish can be just as formidable as physical disorders. But I had promised Edward that I would go to his United Church and so I did. In actual fact protoplasm is a scientific term (not often heard these days but rather cytoplasm and nucleoplasm are used to refer to the sections of a living cell) which refers to the living matter in a cell which includes cytoplasm and the nucleus. The term dates back to the late 1830s and generally refers to the basic components in a cell. The term was first used by Jan Evangelista Purkinje who studied Physiology at Prague and later was Chair of Physiology at Breslau in 1823 accepting the Chair of Physiology at Prague in 1849. He was an histologist with many exciting contributions to science.

There is a comfort in my Anglican Church (the Church of England) for me because it is the Church of my ancestors (the Church of England is ancient dating back to the second century when Christianity arrived in Britain (both my mt DNA and y DNA (of my father and brothers) is ancient to the British Isles so they were there (and likely most of the others) to see all of the changes in their beliefs through the ages). I will admit to finding great joy in the Church Services on YouTube that are Roman Catholic and my Church was part of the Roman structure with two breaks - the first by Henry VIII (Queen Mary restored the Church of England to the Church of Rome) and the second was the excommunication from the Church of Rome of Queen Elizabeth I and all of her subjects since they would not reject her. When faced with one's country being put on the chopping block (they were immediately in danger of invasion from all of the Catholic countries of Europe) one does support one's country first. After all Jesus said to give unto the Roman Emperor what belonged to him and unto God what belonged to God. He made that difference. The Roman Church could lift the edict of excommunication but it is many centuries ago now and the Anglican Church does flourish around the world and could find its renaissance in the YouTube services that permit a much wider audience than is presently available. But we must follow the faith as given to us by Jesus Christ and the New Commandments (love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love thy neighbour as thyself ......). 

Oh dear, I am becoming too involved in the news of the world and I really meant to just write about my research.  Yesterday I did not do any research. I actually spent quite a bit of time with the snow sculpture on my garage roof which resembled a crocodile until the hot sun of the afternoon started to alter it and shrink it. Today the sun will be even warmer and my snow sculpture will disappear back into the Water Cycle which governs our world. But I have enjoyed it for one day and will be glad to see it disappear. Next year I shall use my broom to keep the garage roof clear from the window. I am too old at 77.5 years to climb a ladder and dig snow off of a roof!

Today is cleaning day and it is both floors again as the vacuum is upstairs. I will likely do some of the hits on Find my past for Siderfin - I am on Page 64. So far I have been able to place all of the hits. 

On to breakfast. Today we are promised 15 degrees celsius and on Thursday over 20 degrees celsius - spring-summer has arrived in Canada! Mud season has begun.


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