Monday, April 24, 2023

April is a typical month

 Rain, Rain, Rain and we know that April is its pretty typical self here in the Northern Hemisphere except for the surprise warmth - that is global warming. We must do something about that. That is what I always liked about now King Charles; he was a leader way back when it wasn't fashionable and he took the chance given his special position in the world to support a cause that has grown from being ridiculed to a fact of life - our planet is warming up and it is dangerous for every living thing/being on it. We need to work at that; we need money for that and there is money; tons of it stashed up in the accounts of billionaires and multi millionaires. Think of the tax break. But also you could buy a submarine or whatever else we need military wise for Canada (if you are Canadian and haven't already hidden your Canadianship behind some other nationality which can not protect you from the pirates of the world if they decide to come after you; this is your time). Canada has made you what you are - time to support and defend Canada. You could arm an entire brigade with the latest and best equipment - we could put a lovely tribute in the newspaper for you. Your family will be honoured for many generations. 

The Poll on the monarchy I find offensive to be honest; I want to have statistics published with these polls. I do not trust polling. Why anyone would want to replace the current Head of State - the head of the Royal House of the UK - is strange. To have an elected head would mean politics and definitely do not want another political level in our country; look at the present situation where we have personal attacks as the style - work on the issues not personal attacks. We need our military to be funded; it isn't properly funded and hasn't been for more than a generation. One mustn't forget that Diana, Princess of Wales, was jealous of Charles and went out of her way to displace him in the hearts and minds of the people of the world. Her first duty was not to Charles as it should have been (she married him and promised her undying loyalty to him). I can not believe that she did not know about Camilla from the beginning; she lived in those circles. Displacing a loved person in a marriage of convenience is probably impossible; one shouldn't delude oneself. Diana, Princess of Wales, did have mental issues and personally that is something that is very difficult to control. She was a pawn in the hands of those who just wanted to use her and she let herself fall into that trap. I am sure it was ghastly but when you know the system you can not cry Wolf as she did; you are being unfair to the world that is watching.

But I digress from the topic of April and God in our midst. He doesn't alter anything I do not believe; that is what we have to do. We have the commandments which Jesus brought to us and suffered for doing that. We must love God with all our heart, soul and mind and we must love our neighbours as ourselves. In this modern world everyone is our neighbour and I must thank the Chinese Foreign Office for clarifying the remarks by one of their envoys.  The spokesperson Mao Ning has repeated the official stance of the government - "The Chinese side respects the status of the member states as sovereign states after the collapse of the Soviet Union" and he added that China was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with those countries. 

The rains of April always remind me that God is out there providing what has always been provided to the earth in human memory but we must control global warming; that is our problem and it tells us that our way of life has to change. I am gradually trying to change my life so that it fits into a mold that benefits the world 100% because I too have ways that are not 100% green. It is a slow process and we do need to speed it up. 

Yesterday I completed all the Siderfin hits on Find My Past and started working on the FreeBMD births, marriages and deaths and will move to Ancestry next to find any items that I have missed. The process continues of extraction of material. Then back to writing once again. But this is cleaning day and the vacuum is on the top floor waiting for me to begin. Today is the long day of cleaning and tomorrow is the shorter day - just the basement. Routine is wonderful actually; it keeps the mind sharp. 

On to the day and breakfast. Today I will finish up a Frittata that I made Saturday - still trying to do just two meals the same in a row but I do find the Frittata reheated is just as delicious as the first time - eggs, sharp cheddar cheese, spinach layered on top of half of that, then a roasted mixture of pepper, onion and grated carrot layer, another layer of spinach, then a layer of mashed frozen avocado (thawed in lemon water), on top of that the other half of the egg/cheese mixture. Bake in the 410 degree oven for 25 minutes and a fabulous meal with a slice of toast/bread. Tomorrow will be a piece of cod, mashed sweet potato and peas. My menu is pretty simple and I do enjoy it. Edward tended towards a lot of meat, potatoes, vegetables (cooked) and a fresh salad plus dessert. I actually gained twenty pounds over the course of our 54.5 years of marriage but am now back to my weight in the latter part of my teen years before I was married. With the change in diet my weight stays the same now. Perhaps it was not healthy for me to eat such heavy meals in retrospect. Life was just always so busy I did not really notice until now the difference. One tends to do what works well in a marriage I think at least that tended to be my way.

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