Saturday, April 15, 2023

Back up the files

 I did finally get around to backing up my files and that is done. I have meant to do that for awhile. The snow is pretty much gone now although still have a stack at the front where the sun doesn't quite reach. I must start working outside and see if the grass is ready for raking; I suspect not but should check it out. Usually I do not rake until May. I want to see the budding on the trees as that is one of my highlights in the spring. Love to see that new growth.

We have had a really nice warm spell but cold weather again next week. I want to order a load of garden soil to repair the lawns here and there and add some fresh soil to the gardens. Perhaps by the end of the month I will do that. 

Still listening to Ian White's Psalms CD. It is a very welcome music and I am enjoying it. God's world is all around us struggling to deal with the environmental difficulties and we need to work hard to help Mother Nature to cure the world. Each nation must make an effort to mend the world. I was thinking the other day that my grandfather was descended from the First peoples of the British Isles with his Deer-Hunter designation for the yDNA line. He certainly talked that way with his love of the land; he loved gardening in his old age. He knew the land so well around Upper Clatford/Andover, Hampshire, England.

H11 Newsletter is now complete although will be stored. 

Today some work on the Siderfin family (continuing with the hits on Find My Past) and starting Monday I will do the Kipp Newsletter for publication on the 1st of May. The year slowly falls into place and gardening will soon dominate my life. I need to start the small greenhouse for the seedlings. My grandmother would be amazed; although I used to help her cleaning up in the spring and fall and weeding in the summer she knew I did not have a lot of interest in gardening. But I do have all those garden spots ready for planting although there is a strong temptation to fill them in with grass but my daughter loves to garden and so we will do that. 

On to breakfast; the morning is progressing. Have to work on my menu for the next two weeks. I do not eat a lot of meat but do eat quite a bit of protein although it tends to be eggs, peanut butter, peanuts, humus, avocado, a little chicken and fish. I do love fish and try for a couple of meals a week of fish. But I am not a really big eater so tend to work with frozen meat mostly that I purchase and break down into smaller packages. Although I notice the cost of groceries going up it probably doesn't affect me as much as some people. I have a pretty plain diet and oatmeal, wheat bran, wheat germ is still pretty cheap - the fruit I add is more expensive. I realized the other day that I had not yet opened the bag of sugar that I bought at Christmas. I am not a really big fan of baked goods either other than bread. I do love bread although incline towards the full flavour of whole wheat or other whole grains rather than white. I like frozen vegetables or stored like potatoes, onions, cabbage and carrots in the winter and fresh in the summer. 

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