Saturday, April 22, 2023

Busy day with Siderfin and the R entries

 I completed the R entries for Siderfin yesterday and will start on S today and there are 524 hits on Find My Past. But I am coming to the end of the alphabet sort of but still a lot to go as I was only at 65% completion of the entire set of data. Again mostly placed all the entries with just two that I needed to add an unknown person to the tree. 

Started off the day looking at Edward's 23 and Me matches and there are many new ones. He had three pages for first to third cousins along and I do not reach less than 1% shared until the third page. I must do some work on this so that it is ready to hand off to my daughter as I can sense an increasing interest on her part in her father's work. She will always do mostly online because that is her skill for sure and genealogy is getting to be that; mostly on line. Handling the ancient documents is detrimental to them and the more that is scanned the less handling that is needed. Since Edward tested at all the companies that I did there is a lot of data to sort through because nothing done for the last two years. My time is used up pretty much although once I complete the Siderfin book I will be less encumbered although do have plans for books for Blake and Pincombe. 

Grey day out there today and rain is promised. Looking at the weather channel my idea to get garden soil will work well as I want to do some grass work at the beginning of May and rain is promised - perfect grass growing weather. I can just do a little of that a day as I am getting old for sure.

On to the day and it will be a research day once again mostly on Siderfin but I can see that I should set aside some time for the DNA matches of Edward to get that back on the track that he had them on. So much work but it is interesting for sure. The complication of the Kipp-Schultz in his male line where everyone matches Kipp and Schultz in the close family means that the separating is done beyond the second cousin these days in most cases but he does have an 80,000 plus family tree to work with and that has been helpful. I am now suspicious that Edward was never really interested in my doing genealogy (he certainly never encouraged me to do my family tree and my younger sister has been involved in that for quite a while) because he could always persuade me to help him and knew that my interest level was pretty much zilch until George DeKay inspired me to write the Pincombe profile and the small interest in surname studies was reignited from my teen years to somewhat dominate my life these days. 

Russia continues to try and distract the world from its butchery in Ukraine by arming the rebels in Sudan (that appears to be proven although Russia will certainly try to deny it). As well the UAE also appear to be supplying them with bombs (seems rather a poor choice on their part given the closeness of Sudan to their country but the illegal arms trade is a vicious business that makes huge amounts of money). One hopes that the United Nations can quickly put an end to that type of action. I am surprised that China would not be finding this arming of the Sudan rebels obnoxious as they have put a good deal of money into Africa and would probably not want to see that destabilized; war in any form is dangerous - civilians are being murdered in Sudan. Perhaps we will see China also get more involved in halting this destabilization of Africa. Then there is Russia upsetting the shipments of grain from Ukraine through the Black Sea hoping thus to increase truck shipments into Europe and upset the bordering countries because it is cheaper grain than they are producing. Anything to destabilize - that is the Nazi way. They do not care whom they injure so long as they can continue to steal land and goods from around their borders. Nazis can never be trusted; they are psychopathic egotistical land-stealing maniacs and that is a good definition of Putin and his enablers. 

Breakfast awaits and as usual I am very hungry - my meals tends to decrease in size through the day with breakfast being the largest.

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