Thursday, April 20, 2023

Busy week

This has been a busy week with my going out actually twice with the car. Groceries on one day and the other the snow tires off. If it snows now I will just stay home which I normally do most of the time anyway!

Today I settle into the Kipp Newsletter. Yesterday I worked a little on the R names in the Siderfin hits on the Find my past website - there are 235 hits and I am about 1/3 of the way through them. There were a couple of interesting ones that I could not initially place in the 1600s but believe I have them in hand now. Both were Robert forename. The daughtering out/no issue of the families in the 1600s/early 1700s is surprising as it appears to continue dwindling down to just the one line - that of Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). The one line that James Sanders actually did not have complete as he put most of his concentration in the 1600s on the more affluent lines but, of course, being his line did record the line of Robert but it is mostly incorrect in the 1700s with the 1800s rallying and still with some corrections it does impart the general gist for this family. They definitely dwindled in the 1600s and early 1700s and then with a couple of large families one generation after another the numbers went up once again. 

For the Kipp Newsletter  I am meant to be continuing the look at the children of the emigrant Hendrick Hendricksen Kip. I have completed the three sons who came with him which leaves the daughters and there is some material on them in Edward's notes so will concentrate on them for this issue. 

I will probably work in some time on the R hits for the Siderfin family if I find the Kipp Newsletter heavy going. It is over two years now since I had any conversation with Edward on his Kipp family and time is dulling that memory unfortunately. But I do still have his material that he collected and that may be the next step after this issue. Not sure really. Or I could just go to a two pager for a bit just to keep the DNA study up to date. 

I still wonder why the opposition in parliament continues to hammer away personally at Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister. Why doesn't the opposition bring up the lack of funding for the military and get that funding in place so we can actually see that our military presence is increasing at a good rate and not just paper progress. 2% of the GDP is nothing really I think we should aim for 4% so that we have an excess of military equipment. Introducing a one year service for all youths (would certainly make use of any excess equipment) when they leave high school would be good disciplined training for them that they could take with them to a job or go on in school. Especially I would like to see the tuition in the trades/farming at Community Colleges/Universities subsidized perhaps as much as 50% or free. I consider the way that Justin Trudeau is attacked in parliament constantly as a waste and perhaps it is to distract us from the inadequacies of the opposition. I will give the NDP credit for bringing up important issues but would like to see them get into better training for our youth and funding for the types of jobs that we actually need. I would love to vote Progressive Conservative once again if we ever get such a party back. I am not a liberal in my outlook but I abhor social conservatism - we are meant to love our neighbour as ourselves not judge them. "Judge not lest you be judged" and "Vengeance is mine" says God.

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