Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Change in thinking with regard to matches

Initially my thought with matches was to actively pursue the likely relationship which led eventually to my phasing my grandparent's DNA (literally the DNA that each one of the four passed to my parents). That has changed to a more passive approach where I do collect all the matches and use my phased chart (looking to see if any incongruencies arise by this choice) to place the person. If they have a tree I do check it but I seldom write to anyone these days with respect to how they are matching me. It has proven to be a good method and I have redrawn those phased charts twice now mostly on a yearly interval but this time it will likely be two years. The number of new matches continues to increase but I moved to 20 centimorgans for a minimum match unless known to me (before phasing my grandparents). I am thinking of moving to 25 centimorgans for the matches that I retain and work into my system. I will gradually cull my system of the smaller matches unless they are known to me. 

Today we have a reddish golden sunrise and it is spreading rapidly across the sky - absolutely glorious. In just ten minutes it has moved from a small glow in the east to filling most of the sky visible from my workroom window. Another day on God's earth and praise Him for that. The snow is rapidly melting now although still there especially in the darker corners that the sun does not reach readily. Today the car comes out of the garage for the summer/fall. Then I can start to sort out the patio first thing. Put the swing up as I enjoy sitting out there and swinging during the day. The birds are back and at the feeder so will take my time letting them get used to me being out on the patio so as not to frighten them off. The water is still sitting on top of the ground so the freezing is not yet gone but going for sure as less and less apparent. It will still be another week before I go out to the shed so as not to do to much damage to the grass which is now totally encased in the mud. Mud season is with us once again and the longer the mud season the better the ground is prepared for gardening. 

I will start the little greenhouse in another couple of weeks so we will be ready to plant towards the end of May. Gardening season is just around the corner. Amazingly one of the three orchids which Edward treasured has bloomed this winter. There are four flowers and six to come. Quite amazing really as I do not have a green thumb at all and limited interest in growing flowers but it is quite beautiful. He loved flowering plants. 

Going to be a cloudy day I think perhaps the beautiful sunrise has already dissipated. Today I shall continue with the Siderfin hits on Find My Past and I am now up to Page 68 which is 55% of the hits nearly. Just a couple of individuals I can not place into family lines so they are added in but unattached. I will probably get back into the book today to sort the Appendices into a date order and check to see if there are references already to some of that text in the section of the book already revised. Other than that exercises planned and work to do. 


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