Sunday, April 16, 2023

Continuing with Siderfin and 65% completed

 Continued with the hits for Siderfin at Find My Past and have now completed 65% and working on the Rs now. I may try to work in a few every day but now on to the Kipp Newsletter starting tomorrow.

Completed watching The 100 on Netflix. The eternal theme of evil versus good predominates this series. There was just so much evil that goodness was hidden at the beginning. The use of the Shepherd as the leader of the group that is now in place to end war is an interesting one (communal living though is the way of life for the followers of the Shepherd - including the Shepherd). It is a peaceful coexistence that uses the words "For All Humanity" as its refrain. The enemy itself is "evil in the world" as the members of the Shepherd's group have been taught. But they too use extreme measures to control.  Even reproduction itself is a science in that all babies are engineered in artificial wombs with all faults corrected (neither male nor female is involved except in the donation of egg and sperm although this is not actually discussed). Each embryo is carefully cared for and indoctrinated to be part of the army that will fight the last war of mankind. The Shepherd manages everything and he has managed to survive from before the nuclear war by first going into a bunker with as many experts as he could bring together, finding the path around the universe and then cryo. The Shepherd wants to transcend at least that is his belief. He does not see himself as God but rather as the means by which humanity survives. But when the last war is over he does believe the answer to the eternal question (eternal to him and many others perhaps) - Is there a God? - will be seen.  The Shepherd and his group have the ability to move about from planet to planet in the universe. Sanctus (the last outpost of humankind to survive as far as we are aware at this point in the series) was in fact peaceful although their existence was governed by the group known as the Prime who with the use of Artificial Intelligence were able to keep the essence of the original settlers (four families sent before the nuclear war) by killing volunteer individuals and perpetuating their persona. Gabriel, one of the original, had refused to be part of that initially but was perpetrated perhaps against his will (because I run while I am watching I sometimes miss a few elements) and the so-called children of Gabriel were kept apart because the two groups did not agree on this "murder" of willing victims to perpetuate the "Prime." Chaos entered into Sanctus with the arrival of the remnants of humanity in the universe who had lived an interesting life and were the first seasons of this show. It is a three part story in some ways with earth predominating and the Ark above the earth where survival had been maintained for 100 years in the first part. It is interesting overall and in my running I may well watch it a second time. When I run I like to have something on and I am busy so do not always take the time to look for another and just pick up one of the ones I have already watched. I have always found the stories of good and evil to be interesting to watch. Good has always won eventually in our world. 

God waits in the Heavens and watches I do believe. I do not believe he interferes in the affairs of mankind now since He sent Jesus to teach us; He is  the God of the Old and the New Testament. He sent His son Jesus to give us the New Commandments by which we must live. I think we must keep the faith that came to us through Jesus (from God His father) alive and well and not get distracted by philosophical ideas that lead one to atheism. God asks for very little from us in actual fact. To love the Lord thy God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and to love one's neighbour as oneself. But greed does predominate in the world and we need to struggle against it because it is destroying the world.

Church on You-Tube today. I am very content to see King Charles III as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. He is dedicated to a world that can survive by moderating our life styles. We are watching as the life of the Royals is changing - the Prince and Princess of Wales have declined to live in a Palace; they prefer a much smaller place that is easier to maintain. The Palaces are life in the past and can now become showpieces for people to visit and see their past. We need to move on into a present where life can carry on and greed needs to become a thing of the past. One must work for the betterment of God's world. 

We must help Ukraine because good (Ukraine) and evil (Russia) are fighting there. Glory to Ukraine. Prayers for Ukraine as always. No more war but we must keep supplying Ukraine with the materials of war to defend themselves against evil. They have a right to their land and their style of governance. Evil has forced even neutral countries like Finland to join the NATO pact - humans will always work towards self-preservation; it is in our genes. One does pray that the people of Russia will see that the evil being perpetrated by the Nazi Putin and his enablers is fed by their greed and that none of it is for the Russian people but just for the Nazi Putin and his enablers. Protect Navalny; he loves Russia and all of its people.

The sermon today at Church was a perfect answer to a United Church Minister being on the National News and saying she was an atheist. A Christian Church minister can not be an atheist - Christ founded the Church. It was founded to do the work of Jesus Christ - feed the hungry, care for the sick, and help the poor. The Sermon reminded us of the wonder of the Resurrection and how the peoples two thousand years ago who had known Jesus, walked with Jesus. learned from Jesus found both the strength and the courage to carry out his work. Now two thousand years later there are billions of committed followers around the world who continue to believe and worship the Risen Lord given to us by God and thank God for the beauty of this earth which has been given to us to protect and defend from those who would destroy it.

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