Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Primate's World Relief and Development Fund

Part of the Canadian Anglican Communion and is the arm of this particular Church denomination that provides funding around the world for various items and has this year been my Bible Study. An unintentional happening and I am not sure if this is a regular Lenten happening as I generally found a Lenten Study on line most years during COVID and since. But it has been an excellent time of community around the world as we saw the work being done by PWRDF on behalf of the Canadian arm of the Anglican Church in many countries torn apart by strife and needing help as they rebuilt their societies when peace finally came to them. 

Again today we are asked to think of community; of coming together as one in the way that Jesus commanded at the Last Supper sharing the bread and the wine. For quite a while I have felt that the Church should only serve the bread and use the money for purchasing wine to give to the Food plan so that more people would live instead of starving. The bread is sufficient for salvation; I think that God would feel that we were following the new commandments that Jesus brought to us especially love thy neighbour as thyself by giving up one part of the sharing for ourselves in our small communities and instead share with the world where it is needed. I have not shared the bread physically with people in a community other than the prayers at meals with my family or in my mind as I watched the YouTube service. Probably I will not again on this earth but one never knows actually. Life is a living part of us and change is how we grow and become better people. As always, I leave living my life up to God. 

Yesterday all the cleaning planned was accomplished. Today the basement gets a cleaning and then that part of the week is completed. Lots of thinking about how I will use my research time in this week; I already know how I will use the research time in May because I have been receiving a set of data from another Pincombe/Pinkham researcher which I shall spend my time on before creating the next Pincombe/Pinkham Newsletter. But April has to be sorted first and I have a Kipp Newsletter to produce and an H11 Newsletter although I will not yet publish the H11 Newsletter. 

I wait for Russia to get out of Ukraine before I once again publish the H11 Newsletter. I desire that they stop killing the Ukrainian people there; let Ukraine continue to feed the world with the work of their hands (their deeds are honourable and good). What is Russia doing for the world really? The price of oil has been increased all for greed as usual and greed is a sin. When the demand goes up then the amount produced is reduced to increase ever more the value received. Now I am also a capitalist; I admit that freely. I also believe in democracy so I am little troubled in actual fact by the increase especially if the monies are used to help the poor. Most importantly, I believe in the rule of law; no one is above the law. What I find unacceptable is Russia starting and continuing this war against the Ukrainian people. Through this past century alone Russia has tried a number of times to eradicate the Ukrainian people. There is blood on Russian hands and only they can stop it. The longer they keep it up; the longer it will be before the world that supports Ukraine forgives Russia for their transgression. NATO has shown itself to be both prudent and wise in all of this. It would be easy to just simply bomb Russia back to the Stone Age and be done with it but there is as always a hope that such bloodshed can be avoided as it would cause a Third World War. God did not create this world to have Homo sapiens destroy it. No one has that right. There is not only human life but there is far more animal etc. life and the ocean life also part of this wonderful world God has given us (North Korea is guilty of destroying ocean life and ocean ecosystems with their bombing). So step back Russia and look at the blood on your hands and beg forgiveness of God and get out of Ukraine. The world was not created for a select few to make themselves rich on the backs of honest hardworking people - the more you have the more responsibility you have to share that with the people who have made you rich and not to make a mockery of their lives by how you live. Work for the good of the world and your country not yourself.

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