Thursday, April 13, 2023

Tracing lines and lines that have daughtered out

My Buller line disappeared in my maternal grandmother's generation, she had three brothers in total but two died just after birth and the third did not have children. My Pincombe line disappeared in my mother's generation as her only brother did not have any children. My Blake line will disappear in my generation as my brothers do not have any male children. Of my four grandparents that leaves only the Rawlings line of my paternal grandmother.  Fortunately her grandmother had four sons (and three daughters) and the Rawlins/Rawlings line is numerous with 14 Rawlings grandsons (nephews to my great grandmother) and the line continues both in the United Kingdom and Australia/New Zealand in great numbers. Mind you there are lots of Blake and Pincombe lines still that are known cousins to me. Lots of Buller matches but none still carrying the surname of Buller. My 2x great grandfather Henry Christopher Buller and his wife Anne Welch had eleven children - 4 sons and seven daughters. By an earlier marriage (his first wife died) he had one son and one daughter (three children died young). The sons do not appear to have had any sons other than my great grandfather. Learning more about the ancestry of the Buller line has been difficult but I keep watching for possibilities! 

Lots of matches on both the Buller and Welch side and some do trace back to a younger brother of my great grandfather who went to South Africa to continue working in his job after my great grandfather joined the war effort (the first Boer War in 1880-81). My great grandfather was wounded (he was a medic) and repatriated back to England by 1882. He walked with a cane the rest of his life as he had a leg injury according to my maternal grandmother. His younger brother was Clement Charles Caswell Buller born March quarter 1856 at Aston, Warwickshire, England and died Dec 1927 at Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. He married Elizabeth Ann Larkworthy Crocker circa 1885 in New Zealand. I have just one daughter for that couple thus far Ethel Ivy Buller (added in the other six children to my legacy chart as they are now on the tree in Ancestry; a great addition to the day). She married Allister Neil McKie 1 Nov 1916 in New Zealand. I have a DNA match with one of their descendants. This is a good sized match on ancestry with one of my brothers sharing 45 cM, another brother sharing 30 cM and a sister sharing 32 with me coming in at 36 cM. The shared matches are equally strong and known to me as descendants of both the Buller and Welch lines. The naming of their children also similar to the names chosen with other members of this family. Interesting but I still have Christopher Buller born circa 1764 and parentage unknown as the father of Henry Christopher Buller who is the father of my great grandfather Edwin Denner Buller. My match list for Buller is large and a number of them are not known to me.

Continued with the hits on Find My Past but only accomplished two pages (now on page 70) as several of them required a good deal of research to determine who they were. I eventually had to enter one of them as an added unknown in my Legacy Chart. 

Will do the H11 Newsletter today but will not publish it until Ukraine is free once again. We sit on the sidelines and watch (the so-called West (although we do provide Ukraine with the tools of war just as we provided Russia then the largest part of the Soviet Union with the tools of war when they were invaded by the Nazis in the Second World War) ) as Nazi Russia attacks the free country of Ukraine. 

On to breakfast as the morning advances. Another beautiful day in God's world; we are blessed. The paragraph below emerges from my brain this morning and could not be silenced! 

I have been watching The 100 on Netflix; still no opinions on the series. It is like a warning of what life after a nuclear Armageddon could be like. It isn't pretty and the message continues to ring through it - greed is the greatest human failing and it dominates the series from beginning to end. Now that we are into the second year of Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, one can see the stupidity of the Russian people for allowing such greed to become a part of their society. Even as they retreat they greedily steal the property that is in the homes of the Ukrainian people. The breaking up of peace on such a scale is a sad entry into a new century which really had a lot on its plate already with environmental damage. We need to fix this world; Nazism has no place in it and the Russians are land stealing Nazis (Putin at its head along with his enablers). Russia does need to stop ripping the world apart with bombs against an innocent people who do not want to be part of their greedy graft ridden country. Georgia too once again is under threat as the judges there continue to imprison the earlier leader who brought them through the war against Russia to protect their borders in 2008 (interesting that judges can be so corrupt and get away with it). Courts should distance themselves from personal prejudice or recuse themselves. Everyone has a right to their day in court. Glory to Ukraine. Prayers for the Ukrainian people as always.

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