Sunday, May 21, 2023

Devon Taxes 1581 - 1660

I consider the time well spent looking around the parishes but looking at the original would be better. However, I will not be doing that and will leave it for another keen researcher. It is not that important to me; more of a curiosity on my part. There were entries for Pincombe, Pencombe and Pynkeham. I also collected Blake for another project. There were not very many which was what I expected.

Looking at the parishes  in Shebbear Hundred (1642 Assessment):

 Parkeham Parish - no entries

East Putford Parish - no entries, six illegible

Bulkworthie Parish - no entries, John Blake 9 0

Buckland Bruer Parish - no entries, Andrew Blake 1 4

Lancrasse Parish - no entries

Langtree Parish - no entries, two illegible

Alwington Parish -  Annis Pincombe wid 3 9

Frethelstock Parish - Philip Penrose 4 0 (I am not prone to thinking of this surname as a derivative especially as there are over 12000 entries on FreeBMD)

Abbotsham Parish - Richard Pincombe 8 0 (this is likely the son of  Richard4, Richard3,Thomas2, John1)

Littleham Parish - no entries, 29 illegible

Mounckleigh Parish - no entries

Wear Gifford Parish - no entries

Northam Parish - no entries, one illegible, William Blake 3 0

Bideford Parish - __therin Pincombe wid 2 0, Richard Pincombe (likely the son of Richard3, Thomas2, John1) 6 0, Philip Blake 1 0 

Newton St Petrock Parish - no entries, 15 illegible

Petrockstow Parish -  Henry Penroase 4 0 (same comment as above with Frethelstock Parish), 12 illigeble

Iddesleigh Parish - no entries, 20 illegible

Merton Parish - no entries, 35 illegible

Beafford Parish - no entries, 3 illegible

Peters Marland Parish - no entries, 15 illegible

Sheepwaish Parish - no entries, 5 illegible

Little Torrington Parish - no entries, 35 illegible

Sheebere Parish - no entries, 15 illegible

Break time - 30 minute walk

Witheridge Hundred (1581 Subsidy)

Witheridge Parish - no entries

Bishops Nympton - no entries

Thelbridge Parish - no entries

Rakinforde Parish - no entries

Okeforde Parish - no entries

Stoodley Parish - no entries

Romansley Parish - no entries

Morcharde Parish - no entries

West Worlington Parish - no entries

Kings Nympton - no entries

Cheldon Parish - no entries

Aishraf Parish - no entries, Alexander Blake G 10

Wolswortheye Parish - no entries

Waishford Parish - no entries

Puddington Parish - no entries

Crecombe Parish - no entries

Chimley Paish (Chulmleigh)

Meshwet Parish - no entries

Est Worlington Parish - no entries

Marley Parish - no entries

Temple Parish - no entries

Shirwell Hundred

Shirwell Parish - no entries

Arlington Parish - no entries

Loxore Parish - no entries

Stokerivers Parish - no entries

Highbraye Parish - no entries, Walter Blake G 6

Charles Parish - no entries

Paracombe Parish -= no entries

Mattinhoe Parish - no entries

Consberye Parish - no entries

Chollecombe Parish - no entries

Lynton Parish - no entries

Brendon Parish - no entries

South Molton Hundred

Tawton Epi Parish - no entries

Swimbridge Parish - no entries 

Chittlehampton Parish - no entries

Warkeley Parish - no entries

 Saterley Parish - no entries

Nymet St George Parish - no entries

Est Anstye Parish - no entries

Lankey Parish - no entries

Knowiston Parish - no entries

West Anstye Parish - no entries

Mollande Parish - no entries

Twychin Parish - no entries

North Molton Town and Parish - Emma Pyncombe wid (perhaps John2, John1) G 3, Philip Kyngdon G 3,   Michael Blake G 7, Richard Blake G 4, 

South Molton Town and Parish - Christopher Pincombe (Christopher3, John2, John1) G 4, John Pincombe (John 4, Christopher3, John2, John1) G 4, John Pincombe jun (John5, John4, John3, John2, John1) G 3, John Pincombe sen (John4, John3, John2, John1) G 12

Shebbear Hundred

Buckland Filleighe Parish - no entries

Meyth Parish - no entries

Newton Petrocc Parish - no entries

Mounkleigh Parish - no entries

Littleham Parish - no entries

Torrington Parva Parish - no entries

 Petrockstowe Parish - no entries

Abbatsham Parish - no entries

Martine Parish - no entries

Shebbere Parish - no entries

Alwington Parish - no entries

Buckland Bruer Parish - no entries, Robert Blake L 1

Northam Parish - no entries, 1 illegible

Beafford Parish - no entries, 2 illegible

Langtree Parish - no entries

Yddesleye Parish - no entries (although the surname Bremacombe does appear here Philip Bremacombe G 5, Thomas Bremacombe L 3 although I tend to discount this one as it still existed in FreeBMD)

Parkham Parish - no entries

Huyshe Parish - no entries

Marland St Peter Parish - no entries

Were Gifforde Parish - no entries

Bideforde Town - Richard Pincombe G 6 (likely Richard3, Thomas2, John1)

Shepwashe Parish - no entries

Frithelstocke Parish - no entries

Fremington Hundred

Torrington Magna Town - no entries

Torrington Magna Parish - no entries

Newton Tracye Parish - no entries

Rowborough Parish - no entries

Instow Parish - no entries

Westleighe Parish - no entries

Hunshea Parish - no entries

St Gilles Parish - no entries

Alverdiscott Parish - no entries

Tawstock Parish - Edward Pencombe (lineage unknown) G 5 

Fremington Parish - no entries

Another break, 30 minute walk

Braunton Hundred

 Marwood Parish - no entries

Kentisburye Parish - no entries

Beryinerbert Parish - no entries

Eastdowne Parish - no entries

Trenshooe Parish - no entries

Ashforde Parish - no entries

Bittyden Parish - no entries

Northoowe Parish - no entries

Ilfardcombe Parish - no entries

Heanton Puncherdon Parish - no entries

Estbuckland Parish - William Pencombe G 10 (William3, Thomas2, John1)

Combmartine Parish - no entries

Bratton Parish - no entries

West Downe Parish - no entries

West Buckland Parish - no entries

Filleighe Parish - no entries

Goodleighe Parish - no entries

Georgeham Parish - no entries

Baunton Parish - no entries

Pilton Parish - no entries

Barnestaple Parish - no entries

Roborough Hundred

Shepistor Parish - no entries

Maker Tithing - no entries, Henry Blake G 3

Buddockshed Parish - no entries

Buckland Monachorum Parish - no entries

Tamerton Folliet Parish - no entries

Bereferris Parish - no entries

Ecbuckland Parish - no entries

Meavy Parish - no entries

Walkhampton Parish - no entries

Sampford Spyny Parish - no entries

Petertavy Parish - no entries

Bickleigh Parish - no entries

Stoke Damerell Parish - John Tingecombe G 3 (although I feel that Tincomb/Tingecombe/Tencombe is not a derivative of Pencombe but rather a free standing surname with 389 for Tincomb* on FreeBMD and 466 records for Tinkham* I have tended to not include this surname possibility, interesting actually as there is one record in Stoke Damerell in 1695 for a Christopher Pinckin baptizing a son Francis and a larger number in the 1700s but I continue to not include this group). There are twelve entries for Tincombe/Teigncombe on the CD giving support that this is a freestanding surname which was generally found in the southern part of Devon. The records dealing with Subsidy are all lease and 1 or 2 (2 records) and the latter records are from the Poll tax of 1660 (SP (Servant Poll), P (Poll)) and very few entries. It would seem strange that these families are the same given the differing location. 

Whitchurch Parish - no entries

Plymouth Parish, Plymowthe, Compton Giffard, Weston Peverell, Stonehouse - no entries

Likely a worthwhile process but does not help me with who is Philip Pynkeham on the 1544 Subsidy at Tawton. In 1581 this is Edward Pencombe at Tawton (his son possibly?) Neither of the forenames are found particularly in the Pincombe family in my line although the youngest son of Robert Pincombe and Elizabeth Rowcliffe was named Philip but  Elizabeth's father was Philip Rowcliffe. The children's names in this large family are interesting. The first two named after the parents - Robert and Elizabeth. Then John, William, Thomas, George, Richard and Philip. George was Elizabeth Rowcliffe's brother's name as was William and Philip. But John, William, Thomas, and Richard were fairly common names in the Pincombe family with Richard being the least common of the four. I have not found the name Robert to be very common in this family although does go back to the Pincombe family in the mid 1600s at Bishops Nympton.

Still no breakthrough on the lineage of Philip Pynkeham/Pencombe. The possibilities are there of course with the Pencombe family still in Herefordshire. In that Philip may have a son who is an adult in 1581 and Philip appears on the 1544 Subsidy likely as an adult in Tawton, his year of birth might be similar to that of the sons of John Pencombe (arrived in North Molton circa late 1480s). Although he also could be a son of John1 that simply did not get noted in the Visitation of Devon in 1620 (not particularly unusual the name of William (2nd son) was missing). Possibly his line ended with Edward as it is likely the Richard in Bideford is the son of Thomas (Richard3, Thomas2, John1). __therin Pincombe widow is a mystery in Bideford although the Richard at Bideford could be a son of Richard3 just thinking about that with ?Catherine being his wife and then widow. Richard would have been in his late 50s or 60s by 1581 having an adult son. Lots of contemplation. 

Outside work also done yesterday transplanting raspberry canes and two bleeding hearts. It was a perfect day to move plants as it was pouring with rain. This afternoon perhaps we will finish off the back of the garden behind the newly transplanted raspberry canes by moving some garden soil to the cleared area and planting carrot seeds. It is Church this morning though on You-Tube and looking forward to the service. The season of the Church year moves onward through Easter  - this is the 7th Sunday after Easter. The Bible Reading today is especially poignant ending with " ...pray that God will give peace to everyone who belongs to Christ." This is the story of a Church in formation and 1 Peter 5 is part of that story. From that group of twelve (Matthais replaced Judas the Betrayer) and their supporters has grown the largest know religion in the world which is a part of that overwhelming set of God's people who worship God ever eternal our Creator. God smiled and He saw that it was good but there is a sadness there because we have not yet learned to love our neighbour as ourselves. Picking people apart because they have different personalities isn't our job; God is the judge of our world and we simply have to get along. There is a danger in forcing people to live a lie - the knife attack against me was part of that (when people have to protect themselves; their livelihood they will do things that normally they never would). We must avoid forcing people into situations where they feel the need to protect themselves. That was definitely something that Pierre Eliot Trudeau had right - the government does not belong in the bedrooms of the country (and that is so true unless there is a criminal intent in which case someone needs protection likely). 

We will have a lovely meal of scallops in a tomato sauce filled with lovely fresh vegetables (peppers, green onions and cherry tomatoes) and perhaps orzo and steamed asparagus on the side and a spinach, tomato and onion salad with a lemon-herb dressing. Then an ice cream cake. 

On to the day and perhaps a little work on the Herefordshire records but I am coming to the idea that the Philip Pynkeham/Pencomb at Tawstock was likely a sibling to John, William and Thomas. That the forenames of Philip and his likely son Edward are so different from the others could just be that the line died out and by 1620 when the Visitation of Devon was completed the line had been forgotten by the descendants of John, William and Thomas (after all William's name is also missing but it is a common forename in the Pincombe/Pinkham family). The name Philip does appear later in my line but more likely because Elizabeth Rowcliffe's (married to Robert Pincombe at Bishops Nympton) father was Philip. 

Breakfast awaits and my favourite meal of the day for sure although scallops can challenge that somewhat!


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