Sunday, May 14, 2023

Hard to believe we definitely need rain once again

 Another beautiful Sunday and the trees are all in bloom now. The sky outside of my workroom window is becoming less visible with the leaves growing on the trees. It is always a beautiful sight the budding and leafing of the trees in the spring. I think that my view will be even more obliterated by the trees this year. Already the new branches are reaching up higher and higher into the sky. There are just a few spots now where the sky is clearly visible. So green though; the green is wonderful after a long winter. 

Yesterday I cleaned the basement thoroughly, moved absolutely everything and collected up all the dust of the winter. Spring cleaning is always so freshening. The days have been very warm in the sun and the furnace hasn't run for a few days now. I open the windows early to cool the house but it is only 5 degrees celsius and 17 degrees celsius is predicted to be the high today but the sun does warm the house. I generally keep it at 20 in the winter but the sun brings it up to 22 or even 23 yesterday. But this morning it is back to 20. 

Worked on three images yesterday and there are now 506 entries in the excel file and I have noted a few duplicates.  I am almost half way through the images received. There are a lot of records from the 1500s that I will need to try to understand and place. I did find one interesting record the other day for a Pinkham family in Bere Regis Dorset (probate in 1641) which was rather eye-opening perhaps. It just seems so odd to have that record in Dorset but I have not done any research on the Pinkham family. A good amount was done by the earlier researchers probably because that was their surname (Dr Richard Pinkham and Galen Pinkham). The Pencombe family of North Molton which started using the spelling Pincomb/Pyncomb early on and then as they spread towards Barnstaple area the Pinkham surname was also used by a few lines particularly the lines that moved to London. One thing to always keep in mind is the writing of the surname was primarily done by the priests in these early records and so was dependent on their spelling although the family did on occasion write their own wills even in the 1500s. The priests were not always from the location where they were placed partly because the presentation of these positions was often a gift by the local Lord of the Manor and could be a relative from somewhere else or an appointee being moved for whatever reason from another place by the local Bishop.The spellings and dialect then used by the particular priest would not necessarily be that of the area in which they were appointed.

Soon the garden will completely take up my time and I have less time for the house so like it to be really clean before I start that. It is tiring though gardening and at 77 I just take it easy working away for an hour or so and take a break. I used to go out there when I started doing the gardening when Edward took ill and work for about three hours straight but I was younger then (it is twelve years now since I started to work in the garden full time). I always helped Edward if he asked but he had his own way of doing things and so my help was just a little here and there but he was so sad when he couldn't do it anymore and so I took it over until he had more energy once the pacemaker was inserted but still I helped quite a bit as he could not do as much as before. 

Church in a while and I am wondering what the sermon will touch on this week. The readings this past week have been interesting and part of the complexity of Jesus that time has not made any clearer but the reflections in the Concordance I find helpful. The growth of the Church was dependent on commitment and the Gospel of John tells us a great deal about the struggles of the early Church. The Church now two thousands plus years old is still strong although the smaller denominations have experienced a decline and one wonders where this will take us. But the most important gift of the New Commandments remains clear and simple - Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind and Love they neighbour as oneself. When that happens we will have peace for murdering one's neighbour is not love.

The morning is early and another beautiful day ahead but we are promised rain on Tuesday which is fortunate. Breakfast is next; my Psalms CD has just  finished played. It is a wonderful set of music to listen to in the mornings or anytime.

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