Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Finally found exactly what I was looking for - a youth kayak that works very well for me and we bought it and pretty much immediately went kayaking. What a glorious day to be out in nature. Saw muskrat (too early for beaver yesterday) and loads of Canada Geese and their young. A lovely heron flew across the water and just lots and lots of wild flowers. I do love to be on the water. 

Finished cleaning the basement and that is done for another week. A beautiful day again today. We need rain for sure but the sun as well to help dry up the land. It is very wet on the land this year where the water has still not gone down but surprisingly the ground is dry and rain is needed. Likely climate change playing a role once again making life harder for humans as we have made it hard for mother nature. Revenge it would appear. We must be kinder to Mother Nature. 

The Russian people are awake (at least some of them). The attack on Moscow could only be them. Ukraine would not attack in that way; why would they and lose the opinion of the world. They just want what is theirs; theirs for eons of time. Open your eyes Nazi Putin and his enablers; you are sinful, murderous, thieving, and animalistic with  no regard for human life. The time is past for your kind. Glory to Ukraine. 

The birds are singing; enjoying the beautiful early morning sun and coolness. With the windows open I can hear the traffic on the highway and a new day is beginning. Construction is ongoing with the light rail. Soon the trains will be running and people streaming into and out of Ottawa as before. COVID 19 did not defeat us; we are back and eager to take on whatever is next. 

Forgot to post the newsletter and must do that next. On to the Blake Newsletter but first a couple of weeks on the Siderfin Book. 

The day begins; breakfast in a bit but first my hot tea. 

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