Wednesday, June 7, 2023

And it continues although forest fire in Madawaska is now under control

The smoke continues but the Forest Fire contributing to the intensity of it here in Ottawa and also Toronto is now under control. Good news for sure but Mother Nature definitely needs our help in all of this; we need to do better. The Liberals are walking the walk towards fixing Climate Change but they take too long and waste money in the process. We need the Progressive Conservative Party of Brian Mulroney back to re-introduce efficiency into our government. It may look expensive (the GST should be 7% or even 10% and that is how you tax the rich) but Canada was so much better off with the 7% GST to fund the government and NAFTA to firm up our industries in Canada and make us a more efficient profit margin country. I see no reason to attack the members of the Liberal Party personally; they are just not efficient - we need efficiency.

Cleaning all accomplished yesterday; air purifiers running non-stop and we are inside for the duration although I did go out and set up the watering yesterday as we still have not had rain. June is a rainy month normally so that is not really  good news. The garden though is growing nicely with the additional watering. Our yard is full some days of the natural world - lots of birds, small animals scurrying about as there are lots of hiding spots where the hawks can  not get to these little ones. With the smoke the hawks can not see them easily I suspect as they are still out and about in spite of the smoke. 

Today back to Siderfin and I will probably spend some time on my parish register fiche checking out the time frames that most interest me. I suspect that the records I am looking for are perhaps eaten away as the baptisms likely occurred, marriages and burials as well. Still I need to go and have a look at the lay subsidies that I do not have but the rule of primogeniture was practiced pretty much by every family so the eldest would always be expected to gain any property and the younger ones an education. Anything that sticks out as different is an unlikely scenario. But I have given myself plenty of time to get into the lay subsidies and if by chance I need to make a change that is also easily done with electronic material. Switching lines about is actually an easy process compared to one hundred years ago when the first Siderfin book was written. I suspect some of the errors that have been found in James Sanders book were a product of poor proofreading - that is actually one of the most important items in the completion of printing a book. I never once doubted the value of my work when I was doing contract proofreading and copy editing for private printers. But as my girls grew older I was also very content to move on and get back closer to research. Do I ever regret not doing my masters? Actually no, the years at home with my children were a great joy to me (perhaps not as much to my children as I was a difficult task master demanding attentive times during the day whilst they learned to read and print at a young age and spend their time with games that were brain training as opposed to just random play). I always said they did not need to love me but definitely they did need to obey me! Since we were far from home I realize in retrospect that I perhaps needed to be a much warmer person making up for the lack of grandparents (although my children do not complain at me - we had this marvelous club when they were young called "Blue Bird" and we all had blue thimbles with a blue bird on it). We met once a week and paid dues and used the money for good deeds. It kept us grounded. It works well so long as you do not have people in your home - although I did not invite anyone on that personal level. I do tend as a person to only want people to whom I am related in my home on a personal level. People who are neither closely related to you and perhaps nor do they share your values can be a distraction for young children. Although Edward, their father, was a very warm father and spent a lot of good fun time with them - they loved him dearly and still do miss him very much. No one could ever replace their father for sure.

Child rearing can be such a provocative thing; I tend not to have an opinion on how people raise their children unless they are abusing them in which case the Children's Aid Society should get involved and it remains none of my business for sure. You only get to raise children once and one should try to do the best that you can with that short time. Not one to offer opinions on child rearing but I expect I had to say it at least once!

Still looks smoky out there and it remains with us for a few more days apparently. A good rain would be nice and it shows up on the weather map most days but nothing falling from the sky yet. The earth is dry this year; drier than I remember. I shall have a huge water bill I expect but the wild life is certainly enjoying all the wetness - robins digging up worms, other birds looking like they are having showers, bunnies frolicking in the wet grass and the chipmunks. 

On to the day, reminiscences are unusual for me but it was a fun thinking time for sure. I was once described by a co-worker as an enigma which is funny in a way. Probably I am seen that way but I like to be undisturbed in my working time unless it is my direct employer needing something. Now that I am that direct employer I prefer to be undisturbed and I am quite unfriendly on the telephone. I do not care for random calls personally I prefer email for corresponding - I can just delete spam and the like although Rogers does a good job of filtering the mail for sure. The phone calls as well since "spam" shows up when it is likely spam. I do find any research intriguing and did when I was working and always tried to help if there was a place for me to be involved. My health perhaps prevented me from really getting into my masters as I just could not live that life where I was extra busy burning both ends of the candle so I did not. My prime purpose of raising children always took precedence. That was why I was there in those years and I have no regrets. 

My volunteerism at my Anglican Church was freely given and I enjoyed doing all that I did do. At Edward's United Church, I was asked to be volunteer secretary and did do that for a number of years but most content when they finally hired someone and did refuse the offer as I was already employed full time at that time and being released from the volunteerism was a relief actually as it ate into my free time. I did continue doing some volunteerism at the United Church - World Day of Prayer was one and Sunday School which my children attended; I always belonged to any group that they took part in in some way including keeping score at baseball games - it was an honour to be there in my children's company I always felt.  But I avoided any adult groups at either Church for the most part except Bible Studies - I do love a good Bible Study. Funny how the Bible Readings seem to be appropriate for events - today's reading from Matthew 7: 15-29 is a warning about false prophets - "they dress up like sheep, but inside they are wolves who have come to attack you" and I continue saying Glory to Ukraine and Glory to the Russian Freedom Fighters. Our world will be so much better off when the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers have left Ukraine - a free sovereign State which has been supported by the United Nations. Why every state does not support Ukraine is a mystery to me actually; states that were colonized should really feel for Ukraine because that is what is happening there (an attempt to take over the land and enslave/murder the people much as Russia did at the end of the Second World War) and not support the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers! Especially as Ukraine was never involved in colonization.

On to the day and breakfast. The Siderfin book awaits and I do hope to get through the Fifth Generation this week - time will tell. 

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