Friday, June 30, 2023

Bible Readings in Ordinary Time

The Bible Readings in Ordinary Time (Trinity) are the stories of the Early Church.  The struggles were monumental in the Roman Empire at that time but the love of Jesus was in their hearts and they persevered until the Church of Jesus Christ became the Church of the Roman Empire. The growing pains were formidable but the Church of Jesus Christ has been the mainstay of the so-called Western World for over two thousand years. The churches that have been built during that time are still standing - many of them. A tribute to the love of God that was shared by many and passed down generation after generation. People may not go to Church as they once did but they remain a God-loving/God-fearing people. We are perhaps even following more closely the words of Jesus that He passed to us as the New Commandments - love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind and love your neighbour as yourself. It is this second part that does drive the western world - this respect for one's fellow man/woman and it mustn't be allowed to be distorted in any way. We respect but we may not understand or accept. Understanding and acceptance belongs to God. It is a two way street; there must also be respect for the youth of children; let them be children without the encumbrances of adult life. That comes soon enough they are children for only a short time in the overall scheme of things. We are here to do God's work on Earth not to judge people; that is God's work. Respect is the underpinning of the society that has developed after the horrendous Second World War which involved most of the world and the European Union that has developed has shown this time and again (especially with their support and attention to NATO and its defensive ability and we in the Western Hemisphere that are members of NATO are full supporters of that defensive stance). We want peace; no more wars. There has been enough destruction by war; enough death by war. Go home Russians; live the life that you want but get out of Ukraine. You are greedy Nazis, monsters, psychopaths and thieves; you murder children. God will judge you; get out of Ukraine. 

Woke up early with much of this in my mind so have put it to paper so to speak but in this electronic age one's words flow not just onto the paper in front of you but out into the world in electronic form. What happens thousands of miles away on the other side of the world becomes known in an instant by the entire world. We are on-line!

Yesterday flowed well for the Siderfin book and I realized that perhaps one document attached to one of the record sets at the Somerset Archives might just be available and that is the will/probate/inventory for Robert Siderfin of  East Linch and Timberscombe which was probated 22 Jul 1689. I have written to see if I can purchase a scan of the one document mentioned. I have looked at that item now for several months and suddenly thought it may just provide me with even more material. I have now entered the extra material into the Sixth generation for the William-Line. I will work through that material today making sure it is properly footnoted and then move to the Robert-Line and the Thomas-Line. I am rapidly approaching the Seventh generation. I have only recently realized that I would need to work on these three generations in tandem (sometimes going back and forth although the Fifth generation is looking settled now). There is probably still another week to two weeks but other than publishing the Blake Newsletter I am free to pursue this research well into July. 

The smoke keeps us indoors most of the time once again and our three air purifiers are running full time every day all day. This is the worst summer that I can ever remember for smoke. Pity to miss out on the kayaking but we watch the smoke level and when ever it sinks back to normal than we are off for a pleasant paddle in the wetlands. The bird life has become considerably lessened; they have flown where the air is clearer if their little ones are able to do that otherwise they have hunkered down like us for the duration. They do come to the feeder but not very much activity. They know smoke is harmful too. The same goes for the squirrels, chipmunks and raccoons. 

The sky is obliterated by smoke this morning although at 162 ppm we have seen worse for sure. Rain definitely helps but none promised for today. However tomorrow is Canada Day and it always rains in the afternoon on Canada Day without fail and generally an electric storm which is unfortunate as that lights more fires but hopefully the rain will be heavy enough to damper the fires. 

The day beckons and there is much to do as always. God bless Ukraine; Glory to Ukraine.

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