Friday, June 16, 2023

Free BMD and James Sanders

 There is a death for a James Sanders at South Molton June quarter 1916 with a stated age of 41 - James, eldest son of Elizabeth (Siderfin) Sanders would have been 71 sometime in the Fall of 1916 as he was likely born Dec quarter 1845 at South Molton son of James Hooper Sanders and Elizabeth (Siderfin) Sanders. Checking the GRO Indexes to verify this information and I must have taken the date from the census as his actual birth was Dec quarter 1844 at South Molton which would make him 71 in the Fall of 1916 so perhaps a mis-transcription although I did check the original image but it is a typed copy so an error is possible. One would need to order the death certificate which I will do one of these days since that would be nice to put in the new book. One can see my tardiness in looking up such pertinent information but it isn't my direct line so I am somewhat lax in that regard. It is only when I am trying to link generations that I do a thorough job on individuals. Plus I did give the Siderfin one-name study to a cousin in England as he wanted to do work on the crest and who used it. I must admit I do not have a lot of interest in crests/coats of arms. The ancient ones are intriguing that became attached to some of my lines but for the most part I do not share a huge interest in such things. 

The day had a slow start as I have been taking care of details other than my study but this afternoon after we weed the garden I shall put in some research time. Having so many databases at my disposal has been wondrous and I have had an ancestry membership since 2004 when I discovered in a search that John Pincombe and Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe and their five children likely as you can not see much without a membership had arrived at the Port of New York in the early 1850s (January) and I just had to have that record and the membership happened immediately. I just knew that I needed that database to move ahead. Ancestry was younger then and not everyone felt it benefited them but I found it to be great for my one-name studies as I gradually moved into that after completing the Pincombe Profile. Then there was the precursor to Find My Past (1837 online) which was pay as you go and I quickly joined that one when it became Find My Past. My Heritage was next and I have never regretted having those memberships even though I do not use them daily I do not want to be without them and on some days I am constantly on all three of them. Then the DNA testing and my older brother wanted to do his yDNA at Sorenson as he had heard about that so we did that (and I tested myself as well) and then moved on to National Geographic and uploaded those results to FT DNA and then bought more tests. We had great conversations over the nearly 15 years that we met annually and sometimes as many as three or four times a year always going out for dinner at some of his favourite restaurants (I really do not know the restaurants in London anymore) and then breakfast before we headed home again at a favourite of his. We had wonderful conversations like when we were young children and I hadn't caught up to him in school (just one year behind). It isn't easy having a sister 2.5 years younger in the year behind you in school. For my younger brother I left him way behind as he was just 1.5 years younger and I was four years ahead of him in school. Was it good for me; no ideas on that I was always much younger than my class mates it seemed but I was happy enough as I was pretty much a hermit type of child and not being part of the group was ideal although I was ever mindful of my mother's teachings to be polite and so I was but definitely I avoided people although would sometimes go to their houses if they invited me. I was happier not doing so; reading at home was preferable. I have returned to that state one might say although now I have the company of my daughters and their people. 

Not much progress on the book yesterday and today is another busy day. I suspect the new week starting Sunday will see me back working on the William mystery but I also need to start working on the Blake Newsletter by the end of the week. I have an idea where I am going with that as I collected some interesting material with my Pincombe searches in May. Getting to the Family History Centre is a high priority but I just haven't made it there yet. 

Weeded the lettuce and spinach yesterday and the lovely formed row is looking good. Another week and start picking that. The green onions are just on the verge of being ready as well. Still not weeding the herbs very much - need to recognize them and they are still too small. The sunflowers look great. The smog is still with us and perhaps for a bit yet because we are now about to enter the dry season here although we may yet be lucky and get lots of rain to wet the ground down and lessen the forest fires. 

Hard to believe June is half way through now. The time has passed very quickly but summer is like that and I do not mind that actually as the winter is when I can work away on my projects virtually undisturbed. I do answer my phones but mostly the calls are just spams or advertisements - neither of which interest me. I find spam to be an intrusion and think that spammers should be arrested and put in jail personally whether they are stealing from you or not they are disturbing your day and hence in violation of the Constitution - one time that I do support the idea of the Constitution. I do think it has limits though which one must keep front and center. 

Breakfast, exercise and gardening - breakfast is a favourite of mine (best meal of the day), exercise I thoroughly enjoy especially running but gardening is not on my preferred list of activities and has become less so; before I did it to help Edward as he loved gardening and the look of it. 

On to the day. Breakfast is waiting. First set of jumping jacks completed, second to come very soon before breakfast. Does it do any good? No ideas on that but I have always enjoyed doing jumping jacks. I used to run for ten minutes and then do 50 jumping jacks and then run again for ten and repeat up to one hour of running. At 77 I am now at fourty minutes of running and 4 sets of 75 jumping jacks.  I noted online that 300 jumping jacks a day is good being mindful of my age - if you have not been exercising heavily all of your life then checking with a doctor is probably a good idea before picking up jumping jacks and running for fourty minutes. 

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