Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday, smoke, cleaning day

The heading is somewhat incompatible but habit is a long standing thing really and I shall clean but will take the suggestion of damp moping all the floors since we replaced our carpet years ago with wood floors. Air purifiers running full blast and no smell of smoke in the house but it still looks smoky outside although rain is promised; we will see. Rain would certainly dampen down the Forest Fires and clear the air. 

Yesterday was busy with moving information from one file to another as the Siderfin book grows and is now over 60 pages since I have taken out the generations past the seventh for the moment. I am slowly feeding the information into the revised text and crossing out the text that I copy and move from the earlier book and my own research that I intermingled with a copy of the original text. It seemed practical at the time but I am now looking forward to starting from scratch with the Blake and Pencombe books. Putting pen to paper is always an interesting engagement of the mind with the research. But that is in the future after the cataract surgery. I shall take a long six weeks absenteeism from the computer other than checking on how everything is transpiring on the DNA lists and what not but not for a couple of weeks. It will be the longest time that I have ever been away from a computer since I first stayed home with my oldest child. We bought our first home computer in 1983; hard to believe now. It was state of the art with a 20 megabyte hard drive! Look where we are now. Improvements have been abundant. 

Back in the early 80s though climate change was starting to be a thing which we needed to work on but mostly it was Prince Charles then and now King Charles III who was the strong advocate for protection of the environment and organic farming to preserve the land. He was and is such a leader; one can only compliment him. His first love taken from him and he moved on and married as instructed - that was the way of the upper class and especially royalty. He needed to be supported for his brilliant ideas But that is in the past now and he has this opportunity to be the great person he was always meant to be. Blessings to King Charles III.

The trees are blowing gently in the wind but the usual signs of rain are missing; hopefully the weather station is right in that regard. We need rain; the ground is so dry and we are nearly into the dry month of July. The garden though is fresh and green looking; the grass looks great as well but the smoke still hangs in the sky in front of me. 

Maybe some work on the Siderfin book today; just housekeeping really as I move the text about to suit the generation. I love logic and a logical flow of material is very heartening to me. I like to be able to see everything that belongs to one generation in that generation and lots of footnotes so I can tell where it came from. 

On to the day; breakfast time. 

It is ordinary time in the Church Year. The Bible Readings every day leave me somewhat perplexed but also relaxed. What does God want us to do comes to my mind? But always back comes to me the commandments which Jesus brought us from God His Father - Love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and love your neighbour as yourself. We need to fulfill those commandments and eliminate the evil from our world which manifests itself - most prominently right now it is the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. Glory to Ukraine. We want peace in our world and a more equitable life for all. Greed is the enemy; Nazis are incredibly greedy. Share the wealth; make this world a better place. Put your own personal desires in second place and bring equality to our world. Not doing so creates the greed that we see right now with the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers.

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