Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Rain, the heavens opened and it rained

Finally a long enough rain to really saturate the ground. More rain will come today and that should at least soften up that hard clay and let July be less of a dry month than it normally is. We really needed that rain. The trees stand prouder today and leave very little of my sky open as I look out my workroom window. Truly I am down to 5% but the light does shine through the open patches amongst the leaves. But never was a storm more welcomed although it came with all sorts of warnings but the best thing is that smoke warning is gone for a bit (hopefully gone but forest fires do burn). 

Some thinking on the Siderfin book but no doing. Yesterday was a busy cleaning day and I took the suggestion that wet mopping the hardwood would be better than vacuuming and I rather think that worked out very well. I did vacuum the rugs on the stairs and that was pretty much it. The rest was damp mopped and the small rugs were shaken out as usual. 

Today the basement and I shall work on the Siderfin book as well. Now into the 6th and 7th generations with some returns to the fifth with material that best fits in there. That will be the way it is until I finish the 7th generation and then I can move ahead because James Sanders did not do that much on the 7th generation other than being a repository for will abstracts and a few stories. His curious will by Grace Trill will also come into play as I try to understand how Grace fitted into the family and why she gave most of her property to the descendants of Robert Siderfin and Grace (Kent) Siderfin (my 4x great grandparents). It wasn't a lot of property but it was the bits and pieces that had been part of the William-Line and the Robert-Line that had not come to the younger son of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1)., It was perhaps the reason that James Sanders Pedigree Chart looks the way that it does. It simply made it easier to trace the land somewhat but not entirely. 

Ukraine's methodical retaking of their land is a wondrous vision to behold. With each new metre claimed back they are stabilizing Europe and ensuring that Russia remains corralled and not a threat to Europe. World War II ended with that stalemate as we did not follow the advice of Winston Churchill. That advice would have made a longer war; more young lives lost at a time when so much had been lost. The Soviet Union that emerged in 1945 should never have been and now with the defensive ability of NATO it will never rise again to threaten the world. For truly all of the world is threatened by the greed which is displayed by the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. Not only do they try to destroy Ukraine but they let their own military suffer so that they can not do as the Russian Army did in 1917 when they returned and deposed the Tsar for his ineptness in the war effort. The psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers deserve whatever the Russian people deal out to them and the complacency with which the people of southern Russia regarded the recent threat by the Wagner group is telling. Glory to Ukraine and Ukraine including the Crimea free once again.  

Thank you God and Mother Nature for the life giving rain of yesterday and more to come today. It is cloudy but the air quality is at 31. The day begins and it will be a busy one.

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