Thursday, June 8, 2023

Siderfin and location

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time thinking about the Pedigree Chart that James Sanders included in his book. The beginning four generations can be put together from the available records and ending generations coming down from Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth (Question) Siderfin also flow quite well with a few limitations but that central fifth generation has always struck me as somewhat peculiar. I think yesterday I really concentrated on the property attached to their names for the first time now that I have looked so completely at the first four generations.

 Clearly, John Siderfin (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) found on the Protestation Returns at Selworthy in 1641 but not paying a Somerset Lay Subsidy in 1642 at Selworthy is likely still in Selworthy.  He doesn’t appear anywhere else. I have not been able to identify a marriage for John and Thomasine and Thomasine is a common forename in this Somerset area in this time frame. John 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was the younger son of Robert baptized in 1619 at Minehead and probably did not inherit anything from his father Robert other than a good education perhaps – this line does become schoolmasters in the generations to follow. Checking the Discovery Catalogue at the Archives of the United Kingdom does not reveal any material for a John Siderfin in this time frame (no property interactions). At this point in time the family drops into the background as they are not landowners and known to be schoolmasters at Selworthy. 

Looking then at the Pedigree Chart:

 This is one of the images that I took when we visited the Allen County Public Library in Illinois, USA in 2009. The opportunity to do so was something we did not wish to miss and I was still doing the Siderfin one name study and knew that there was a copy of James Sanders book at this library. I was not disappointed. Edward had a lot of Kipp material that he wanted to look at there and was hopeful that I would help with that I can remember and I did. My list was quite short since most of my families were recently in England so not really much material on my lines but there were a couple of books that I wanted to photograph. We spent four days in that library and really did glean a lot of interesting material for Edward and for myself. We went back again several years later and again acquired some interesting material. Definitely a library that should not be missed if the opportunity comes by. 

The Chart can be a little more clearly seen in this image than most of the other images that I have acquired. One is left to surmise that copies of this chart were hand formed and then bound in with the book. The top line of the chart on the left are the children of the Worth-Siderfin marriage in the William-Line (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). That is pretty much all that you see of this line and I had not really concentrated on the property that was mentioned in the next large line directly below the Worth-Siderfin children. One notes that Robert married to Joanna Kittener is of East Lynch (Joanna is of Wotton Courtney) passing by John and Maria Winter and looking at Walter said to be of Timberscombe married to Alice Quirke of Minehead. Thinking back to Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and that Robert was on the Protestation Return at Timberscombe along with his son Robert. The Somerset Subsidy of 1642 also listed these two Roberts at Timberscombe. However, on this chart the Robert married to Joanna Kittener is listed as the son of a John Siderfin baptized 1656 at Wootton Courtney and his wife Mary. Finally lights are going on and I am thinking to myself what if James Sanders is mistaken and this is the second son of Robert at Timberscombe identified in his grandmother's will as John? For Robert married to Joanna Kittener to be at East Lynch he really needs to be descendant of the William-Line according to the usual practice of primogeniture and the passing of property from one generation to the next. Now John is the younger son but what if Robert 5 decided to split his property between his two sons - unusual but certainly did occur. Timberscombe was the larger property so East Lynch going to John sounds reasonable much more reasonable than it suddenly being owned by a descendant of the Robert - Line (namely Robert 4  (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) Robert 4 was generally found at Minehead and Wootton Courtney and his sons Robert 5 at Minehead/Wootton Courtney on any records and John 5 at Selworthy). 


One could wish for clearer images but not having an original copy of the book to take better closeup photos this has to suffice. Looking at this crop/enlargement of the left hand side of the chart above one notes the beginning of this line with John of Wootton Courty b about 1614 which doesn't work for the line that it actually goes back to namely Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). That John was baptized at Minehead in 1619. I actually conclude in my mind at this point that this John does not exist. There isn't a John baptized in 1614 at Wootton Courtney and to the best of my knowledge in 1614 this line is at Luxborough and Minehead principally. Looking up in Ancestry at the original Wootton Courtney registers which commence in 1558. The first mention of Siderfin in Wootton Courtney is Thomas Siderfin JP in the course of his duties as Justice of the Peace (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). I did note the lack of baptisms and burials with most records in the earliest pages being banns and marriages. I do have the fiche for Wootton Courtney and Stoate's transcriptions. Whilst looking at these records on Ancestry I did note that individuals from Timberscombe did come to Wootton Courtney for marriages and as I looked through the fiche I discovered that the first Siderfin entry was John Siderfin son of John baptized 15 Jul 1656 (no entries prior to that date for Siderfin in baptisms and these registers started in 1558). Mary Syderfin is next 26 Jun 1714 daughter of John Siderfin junior and Joan. Baptisms for the children of this children continue over the next years. Most baptisms were at Luxborough in those early years with the change coming after the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell when all births were required to be registered at the secular office of a particular parish. However, a number of individuals continued to baptize their children at Church but did tend to be the more obscure parishes. Eventually, before publishing I will look at the original parish registers on fiche just to verify but want to have all my records in a file so that I do not miss any.  I continue with my suspicion that this John baptized at Wootton Courtney in 1656 was actually the son of John 6 (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). The dates for this grouping John 6 to John 1 would look like circa 1630s, 1611, 1585, 1540s, 1510s, 1400s. A reasonable range of dates for these generations. 

Looking at the arrangement that James Sanders has created would be John baptized at Wootton Courtney in 1656 and the son of John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). The dates for this grouping would be 1619 (James Sanders has 1614), 1587, 1540s, 1510, 1400s. Not impossible John would have only been 42 (James Sanders 1614) or 37 (actual baptism for this John). Both scenarios work time wise. The only reason for the change is the presence of a Robert Siderfin married to Joanna Kittener at East Lynch which traditionally in this Siderfin family belonged to the William-Line (William 4). William 4's son Robert senior and his grandson Robert junior are found at Timberscombe both on the Protestation Return of 1641 and the Somerset Lay Subsidy of 1642. These two Roberts are found in the records at the Archives of the UK at Timberscombe and East Lynch as these two properties were apparently in the occupation of this Siderfin line in this time frame. This younger son of Robert 5 is mentioned in his grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin's will written in 1644 and probated in 1648. How the younger son acquired East Lynch I will now go back into the Records held by the Archives of the United Kingdom and see if there are any clues. I do know they exist for Robert Siderfin at Timberscombe and East Lynch just from memory but was John mentioned and I will obtain that answer. John 6 (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) has named his son Robert and this baptism exists 15 Dec 1688 at Selworthy when his father would have been 30 years of age with his mother being an unknown Mary. That will be my next followup after checking out the Archives material. John Siderfin as a stand alone search name does not produce any results other than those already known from the 1500s. East Lynch does have a number of interesting records over a long time period but the Siderfin name does not form part of the search function. I will look at British History Online next. No information on East Lynch as a stand alone area in Somerset in British History Online. Genuki was my next choice and East Lynch does not have its own page but Timberscombe does. Checking out this website and then went to a search for East Lynch Farm and it is recorded as being at Selworthy with a history from post medieval to modern - 1540 AD to the present. East Lynch farm appears to be closer to Selworthy than Timberscombe but that doesn't affect who occupied it in the late 1600s into the 1700s. It does account for baptisms being celebrated at Selworthy though or Wootton Courtney which lies between Selworthy and Timberscombe. Having done this interesting survey I will, for the moment, go with the idea that the Robert at East Lynch, baptized at Selworthy, son of John and Mary (unknown) Siderfin is descendant of the William 4 line.

There are problems with this argument perhaps as Robert Siderfin at East Lynch could simply have picked up the lease as the actual ownership can not be determined from afar one would need to go through the land records. But given the status of John 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) at Selworthy as a schoolmaster it is unlikely that he would have had the financial ability to pick up the lease as it does appear to be a substantial property. Plus Thomasine names Robert Siderfin at East Lynch as a cousin rather than a sibling-in-law in her will abstract. So attaching Robert at East Lynch to the William-Line makes a lot of sense (and he would be the son of a cousin in that case). 

I think the next direction to go in is this marriage of a John Siderfin and Mary (unknown) parents of Robert at East Lynch in the latter part of the 1600s. Information available on James Sanders Pedigree Chart for John b 1656 and for Mary b 1648 and died 1717. Checking out the text of James Sanders for any references to these two individuals that he has added to the book.  

1717. In Wootton Courtney church, on a stone in the floor of the nave: - Here lyeth the body of Mary, the wife of John Siderfin, of this Parish, who departed this life Oct. 3rd, 1717, aged 69 years.

I also found an item which likely directed James Sanders towards the idea that this John was descendant of the Robert 4 line. It is entitled by James Sanders as Freeholders in Selworthy: Now, besides the rector in right of his glebe, the only freeholders left in the parish other than the owner of the three manors, are the Clarke and Stoate families. The Clarkes, as already stated, have for a long period lived on their property at West Lynch (while a branch of their family have also occupied East Lynch) and have for many generations taken a leading and honourable part in the affairs of the valley. The Stoates, too, have been connected with the parish for a great number of years. The last of the Selworthy branch of the family, old "Counsellor Stoate," as he was always called, lived at Allerford and must have been somewhat of a character. He was also a man of considerable substance. Another old family connected with the parish is that of Siderfin. This family is probably an offshoot of the family of Siderfin of Croydon, in the parish of Timberscombe, a family of some importance in our district in the seventeenth century.

The reference to Siderfin of Croydon is the Thomas 4 line and no ideas on why this might direct James Sanders towards the Robert 4 line for John Siderfin baptized 1656 at Wootton Courtney. Somewhat confusing perhaps to refer to the Siderfin family at Croydon at this point in time but is perhaps just linking all the Siderfin families together. The Clarke family married into the Siderfin family in 1787 with the marriage of John Siderfin and Sarah Clarke at Selworthy. John was the son of Robert Siderfin and Grace (Kent) Siderfin (my 4x great grandparents). At this point in time with Robert Siderfin at East Lynch dying without heirs in 1715 the land may have reverted back in the family although one would have expected it to go to the Worth-Siderfin descendants it became the property of the Clarke family (they could have purchased it for sure or leased it). Only by doing an extensive land search at Taunton could one determine that. But at this point in time (late 1700s) it does appear that the land now belongs to the Clarke family as James Sanders mentions in his "Freeholders in Selworthy" section. He is writing this in the early 1900s and this paragraph refers to that moment in time more than 100 years after the marriage of John Siderfin and Sarah Clarke 4 Jun 1787 at Selworthy. There will be more information on this John Siderfin and East Lynch as we reach his generation. 

Back to the marriage of John Siderfin and Mary (unknown) now that I have gleaned any information from James Sander's text on this couple. Along with this look at the registers, I will alter my one name study Legacy File to reflect these changes. I do begin to feel as if I am more in tune now with this descent in the Siderfin lines. That I may need to read all of these parish registers will be an interesting adventure but for the moment I will use the transcriptions as they are certainly very well done; I do not think I have ever really found any errors in the transcriptions. 

A John Siderfin Junior of Wootton Courtney Farmer married Mary Chapman of Wootton Courtney at West Monkton  27 Mar 1683 (Banns read). This is signed by John Siderfin, Robert Siderfin and George Chapman. This record found on Ancestry. Time wise it could fit into this chart because John was baptized in 1656 and his wife is listed as born in 1648 so they would be 27 and 35 respectively. Only one child is shown for this couple (if correct) on James Sanders Pedigree Chart. Who is the Robert Siderfin signing? There is a possibility that it could be Robert Siderfin baptized 1658 at Selworthy or it could be the uncle of this John if he is the son of John 6 (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) as he had a brother Robert 6 - both named in the will of their grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin in 1644/probated 1648. And he would be be John Junior as his father was John 6 (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). Why they marry at West Monkton is perhaps a mystery as it is 53 kilometres from Selworthy. But I did find a marriage so somewhat interesting actually. Their son Robert (if this couple is correct and the surname Siderfin is fairly uncommon) was baptized 15 Dec 1688 at Selworthy. Figuring out the Robert Siderfin males in the 1600s and 1700s is a challenge but I am beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. Robert Siderfin married Joanna Kittener 25 Apr 1713 in Wootton Courtney. James Sanders has two other children for this couple namely John of Wootton Courtney who married Maria Winters and she apparently left a will probated in 1733 - married in 1718 and no date of birth for John. The other child was Walter of Timberscombe b 1892 and died 1732 and he married Mary Quirke of Minehead perhaps married 1717 at Luxborough and her will probated 1768. 

Looking first at John Siderfin of Wootton Courtney and given that Robert is said to be elder brother was baptized 1689 I will check the parish registers for a John in the time frame from 1683 (John Siderfin junior married Mary Chapman) to the death of Mary in 1717 and perhaps a little longer. No baptism for this John although there is a marriage for a Johannes Syderfin and Maria Winter 11 Dec 1718 at Exton, Somerset and John Syderfin is of Wootton Courtney. James Sanders has so indicated this on the Pedigree Chart. 

Looking second at Walter Siderfin said to be of Timberscombe born 1692 and died 21 Mar 1731 and he was buried in All Saints Selworthy, Somerset, England and he was married to Mary Quirke of Minehead at Luxborough in 1717. This couple baptized a son Robert at Minehead 2 Feb 1718 and he appears to have died in 1746. The marriage on Find My Past 25 Jan 1717 at Luxborough with the groom of Timberscombe and the bride Alice Quircke of Minehead. Alice has left a will which may prove interesting as one of her sisters married into the Question family but it is not particularly helpful with the Siderfin family other than reinforcing that it was she who married Walter Siderfin: 

Recorded: 29th November 2005/23 Mar 2023
Source: National Archives, UK, PROB 11/942/259
Place: Periton, Minehead, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 21st November 1768, probated, probated 30 Sep 1768

Alice Siderfin

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Alice Siderfin of Periton within the parish of Minehead
3    in the County of Somerset widow being sick of Body but
4    of sound and perfect mind and memory praised to God for
5    the same do make and ordain this my last will and
6    Testament in manner and form following that is to say
7    first and principally I commend my Soul into the handes
8    of almighty God my Creator hoping through the merits of
9    Jesus Christ to obtain pardon and remission of all my
10    Sins and to inherit Everlasting life and my body I commit
11    to the Eart to be decently buried at the discretion of my
12    Executor herein afternamed in the Chancel of the parish
13    Church of Minehead as near to the Body of my Mother
14    Mary Quirke deceased as conveniently may be and as to
15    such worldly goods and temporal Estate as God has been
16    pleased to bestow upon me. I give devise and dispose thereof
17    as follows First I will and order that all such just debts as I
18    shall incure at the time of my decease shall be paid and
19    satisfied and whereas by virtue of my marriage settlement made
20    on my intermarriage with my husband Walter Siderfin   I am
21    seized in Fee Simple of and in certain lands tenements and
22    hereditaments situate lying and being in the parish of Withycombe
23    in the County aforesaid now in the tenure or
24    occupation of Robert Slocombe. I give devise and bequeath the
25    same unto my nephew John Short of Minehead aforesaid
26    apothecary and to his heirs and assigns to the use of the said
27    John Short his Sons and assigns for ever upon the trusts and to
28    and for the said intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed
29    and declared (that is to say) In Trust and to and for the use
30    and Benefit of my Cousin Robert Quirke Short (first Son of
31    my said Nephew John Short) and his Heirs for ever But in
32    case he shall happen to die before he shall attain his age
33    of twenty one years then I give devise and bequeath the
34    same unto my said Nephew John Short In Trust and to
35    and for the use and Benefit of my Cousin John Short Second
36    son of my said Nephew John Short and his heirs for ever
37    But in case he shall also happen to die before he shall attain
38    his age of twenty one years then I give devise and bequeath
39    the same unto my said Nephew John Short In trust and to
40    and for the use and Benefit of my Cousin Samuel Short Third
41    son of my said Nephew John Short and his Heirs for ever
42    but in case he shall also happen to die before he attains
43    his age of twenty one years then I give devise and bequeath
44    the same unto my said my Cousin Augustine Question Short and his heirs for ever but in case they shall all happen to dye before they again the age of twenty one years Then I give devise and bequeath the same to my nephew the said John Short in Trust and to and for the use and benefit of Nephew John Short In Trust and
45    to and for the use and Benefit of all such other Child or
46    Children of the Body of my Nephew the said John Short on
47    the Body of Elizabeth Short his now wife begotten or to
48    be begotten and to their heirs and assigns for ever to be
49    equally divided between them share and share alike
50    and Whereas I am also seized in Fee Simple of and in certain
51    Lands Tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being
52    in the parish of Old Cleve called or known by the name of
53    Endley now in the Tenure or occupation of Robert Slocombe
54    I also give devise and bequeath the same unto my said Nephew
55    John Short and his heirs for ever upon the Trusts and to
56    and for the new Intents and purposes hereinafter also
57    mentioned and expressed that is to say In trust and to and for the use
58    and Benefit of my Cousin the above named Robert Quirke
59    Short and his heirs of ever But in case he shall happen
60    to die before he shall attain his said age of twenty one
61    years then In trust and to and for the use and Benefit of
62    my said Cousin the above named John Short and his heirs
63    for ever But in case he should also happen to die before he
64    shall attain that age then In Trust and to and for the use
65    and Benefit of my Cousin the abovenamed Samuel Short
66    and his heirs for ever But in case he shall likewise
67    happen to die before he shall attain his said age of twenty
68    one years then I give devise and bequeath the same unto
69    my said Nephew the said John Short and his heirs for
70    ever In Trust and to and for the use and Benefit of my
71    said Cousin the above named Augustin Question Short and
72    his heirs and assigns forever But in case they shall all
73    happen to die before their said age of twenty one years
74    then I give devise and bequeath the same to my said nephew
75    the said John Short In trust and to and for the
76    use and Benefit of all such other Child or Children of
77    the Body of my Nephew the said John Short
78    begotten or to be begotten on the Body of the said Elizabeth
79    his now wife and to their heirs and assigns for ever to
80    be equally divided between them share and share alike
81    and Lastly all the Rest Residue and Remainder of
82    Lands Tenements and hereditaments Goods or
83    Chattels Real and personal Estate Moneys and Securities
84    Money whatsoever or wheresover they be and which
85    shall be my my now entitled unto at the time of my death
86    I do devise and bequeath the same unto my said
87    nephew the said John Short whom I do hereby ordain and constitute
88    desire and appoint whole and sole Executor and
89    to see my Legacies of this my last Will and Testament
90    hereby revoking all former wills Bequests and Legacies by
91    any way heretofore made bequeathed or given
92    and do make and declare this only to be my last Will
93    and testament In trust nevertheless and to and for the
94    use and benefit of all and every such Child or Children
95    of the body of the said John Short on the Body of the said Elizabeth
96    his now Wife begotten or to be begotten equally to
97    be divided between them share and share alike As they
98    may respectively attain their age of twenty one years
99    my will further is and I do hereby order and direct that
100    all the Rents and profits of the said Estates and all the
101    interest of the Moneys or so much thereof as shall be
102    requested and necessary for that purpose shall be paid
103    and applied for and towards the Maintenance and
104    education of such Child or Children until they shall respectively
105    attain their age of twenty one years and at the time that
106    either of them attain his or her said age of twenty
107    one years then my will is that his or her share or shares
108    shall be paid unto him or her so attaining that age But
109    in case or either of them shall happen to dye before he
110    or she shall attain such age then his her or their Share
111    so dying shall be paid to and be equally divided amongst
112    the Survivor or Survivors of them share and share alike
113    In Witness thereof I the said Alice Siderfin the Testator
114    have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand
115    and Seal this twenty first day of April in the year of our
116    Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty six Alice Siderfin
117    Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named
118    Alice Siderfin the Testatrix to be her last Will and
119    Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our
120    names as Witnesses thereunto in her presence and in the
121    presence of each other of us Thos Leigh, Mary Leigh
122    Alexander Briant
123    This Will was proved at London on the thirtieth day
124    of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
125    hundred and sixty eight before the Knight worshipful George
126    Hay doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
127    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by
128    the oath of John Short the sole Executor named in the said
129    will to whom Administration of al and singular the
130    Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased
131    was granted he having been first sworn by Commission
132    duly to administer Ex

I did locate the death of Walter Siderfin 21 Mar 1731 and buried at All Saints Selworthy. He is on the same brass as another Siderfin. The Brass reads: Here lyeth the body of Robert Siderfin son of Robert Siderfin Gent and Elizabeth his Wife Who departed this life the 20th day of Jan 1714 Aged 25 years. Here lyeth the body of Walter Siderfin who departed This Life the 21st day of Mar 1731 Aged 40 years. Why are they on the same brass? is the question that comes to my mind. Are Walter and Robert brothers? The answer does appear to be yes but the brass has Robert as the son of Robert and Elizabeth Siderfin. This could take me back to square one which was my thought earlier that these two men were the grandsons of Robert Siderfin baptized 1616 at Minehead older brother to John Siderfin baptized 1619 at Minehead. I did rather like the other concept so now I must determine what I can about this brass memorial. I am bothered by the Robert Siderfin who died in 1714 and was living at East Lynch and his brother Walter (according to James Sanders) who lived at Timberscombe. They are occupying land known to be in the possession of the Willian Line principally Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) as late as 1662. This line still existed into the early 1700s so it does seem strange that the land would have switched into a different Siderfin line.

At this point it would be timely to look at the will of Maria (Winter) Siderfin (wife of John Siderfin). Robert and Walter are said to be brothers to this John Siderfin.

1733. Mary Siderfin, of Exton, wife of John Siderfin, of the same parish, tanner. Whereas before my intermarriage with my said husband by my Deed indented and bearing date the 8th Dec., 1718, I did assign and settover certain leasehold tenements or estates, ietc., unto Edmund Cording, of Exton, and George Langdon, of Winsford, in trust for the several uses, ends, intents, etc., therein mentioned. I give etc., unto my husband's granddaughter, Joane Siderfin, ten pounds. To my cozen, Anne Hobbs, the younger, of Winsford, 40s. To Edward Barnes, the younger of Exton, 10s. All the rest residue and remainder of my said leasehold tenements or estates and all other goods, etc., etc., unto Edmund Cording, the younger (son of aforesaid Ed Cording) to and for his own proper use for ever. And I do make him, the said Ed Cording the ye sole Executor.
Will dated 7th January, 1729.

An interesting will as it implies that her husband John had a son with a daughter and that she was a second wife. I would say this brother to Robert and Walter on James Sanders chart does not exist and is rather the John Siderfin who married Mary Chapman and one can see that his occupation is tanner since he was a younger son that would be expected. This John Siderfin is perhaps still living in 1729 as the will was dated 7 Jan 1729. This John would be the John baptized in 1656 son of John Siderfin. I feel quite confident removing him from this particular spot. I am also not uncomfortable with having Robert and Walter sons of Robert Siderfin rather than this brother John Siderfin who was a tanner and continuing with the thought that this is the William Line. It works even better actually as I rather thought this Robert Siderfin had married Elizabeth Blackford. Crisis averted and I will soon produce a new Chart of the William Line and the Robert Line. Everything is falling nicely into place with just a little extra proof for my initial thought. That leaves John 6 younger brother to Robert 6 son of Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) as the husband of Maria Winter and a tanner and the property at Timberscombe and East Lynch with his older brother Robert as shown on the various subsidies/returns. The mention of a granddaughter to Maria (Winter) Siderfin's husband John is interesting as it does put another hindrance against this John being in the Robert Line since that John would most likely be the husband of Thomasine and father of Robert Siderfin born at Selworthy in 1658 although Robert and Elizabeth had a daughter Joana I find it difficult to believe she would only remember the one child when they had nine children (and Joanna was buried in 1698 at the age of eight years). Next step is to have a look at the original register for Selworthy just to see what I might be able to find as that would be handy although already interpreted by others as the record for the Baptism of Robert Siderfin married to Elizabeth Question and son of Thomazine as mentioned in her will.

Time for a 40 minute run; the day has turned out quite well. We had rain and no smoke but it may return tomorrow.





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