Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Still smoke in the air and how is everyone faring

The birds, the rabbits, the chipmunks are still out in the smoke and I wonder how they are faring this morning at 6:15 am. The wind is still this morning, no movement of the leaves. The birds are in the bird feeder. Are they moving as quickly? not sure. Another day of smoke and this is perhaps the worse that I remember in this area since I come from the more populated area of Ontario - southwestern Ontario but still we had lots of trees in London, Ontario - the Forest City. The Air quality index is 174 and normal here is around 10 to 25. One wonders how everything is faring; we are protected by our houses - I have the air filters running full but what about everyone/everything else. Amazingly we went to Obatanga Provincial Park years ago a couple of years after a forest fire had devastated that area. There were still hulks of huge burned out trees but all over the forest floor there were yellow lady slipper's blooming - it was a gorgeous site. The world without humans can survive a forest fire quite well; we are at most risk because of our size and our need to breath fresh air as it impacts our lungs. The rabbits are moving slower; they know. The birds are not swooping about; they know and probably true of all the creatures. The trees yearn for sun but their leaves are hanging low as they await the return of the sun. COVID taught us that the world can do much better without us; we need to do the best we can do for the world so that we are not destroying it on a daily basis.

Cleaned the basement yesterday and that is finished; today the other two floors and then the week of research really begins. 

Yesterday though I worked on the fifth generation and can see a picture emerging that makes sense to me and the data flows better for me.  The future may reveal more information but for the moment I am changing how James Sanders viewed the Fifth Generation. Not a great deal in actual fact but just the sons of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). In fact James Sanders loses Robert who was baptized at Minehead in 1616 and instead has John born in 1616 (he was baptized in 1619). Robert existed though because he is at Minehead on the 1641 Protestation Return and he is at Wootton Courtney on the Somerset Lay Subsidy of 1642. Where was the child of Robert baptized - probably John? He was not on the Protestation Returns or the Lay Subsidy so a child perhaps or simply born after that set of dates. This John is shown with children Robert of East Lynch married Joanna Kittener (Wootton Courtney) and Walter of Timberscombe married Mary Quicke (Minehead). I believe these two to be Robert's grandchildren. John's (John 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) children were John (b 1656) and Robert (b 1658) and they lived at Selworthy although John disappears from the records other than his baptism.Yesterday's ponderings brought me to these thoughts. Robert at East Lynch and Walter at Minehead both existed and a brother John as well married to Maria Winter. All of these lines daughtered out, in one the only child a son died as a young man (no known children) or had no issue. They were all propertied these three males in the latter part of the 1600s. They had to be Robert 5's (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) children as only they would have inherited property (of course they could be William (Robert 3, William 2, John 1)'s grandsons but we are lucky with the will of Christian (Webber) Siderfin wife of William. She named her grandchildren in 1644. You either needed to marry property or be bequeathed property if you were a male and the odds of marrying property were rather low. Like James Sanders I will follow my thoughts and write this up and correction may follow in one hundred year's time - impossible to tell from the position in which I sit at the moment but I feel that the revisions need to be made to compliment the information now available.

Rain today perhaps; that would help to clear the air but tomorrow is meant to be the worst day so we will see about that. I may water if it doesn't rain today. The plants will be thirsty with the ash in the air. I will do that later today. The last plant that Edward planted was a beautiful purple Iris and it is blooming now. The plant took a couple of years to take hold but now it is spectacular. The front garden I have kept virtually as it was keeping the weeds down and this spring it has been a beautiful year - the primrose started off the blooming cycle and they were lovely. Then a little space and the Starry Solomon's Seal had one of its great years and still blooming. The Lily of the Valley were next with their spring scent. Then the Jacks in the Pulpit had their turn along with small various spring plants. The red trillium did not bloom this year; perhaps next year. The rhododendron is starting to open and will also be spectacular this year. The hosta are growing and they will bloom in their turn. The daisies too are putting up a good stand of leaf for later blooming. It is a pretty bed of flowers. The small round cedar has grown to a much larger size than predicted and does dominate the front lawn. I trimmed it a bit last year but must improve on that trimming and will do that in a month or so. 

As the guardians of the earth we must do better. All nature depends on us to do better; greed is the enemy of the earth. Those who perpetuate greed are the world's greatest enemies and will go down in history as such. Glory to Ukraine and may she continue to hold the line and move it forward restoring to her the lands that are hers. When that war ends and the world can return once again to the status quo nature will breath a heavy sigh of thankfulness to Ukraine for their service to the world. Glory to the Freedom Fighters of Russia and may they have the kind of country that they deserve not the evil empire of the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers. 

On to the day although the light level is scarcely better than dawn and will probably be like that for a while yet. We are a heavily forested country and forest fires happen spontaneously with the lightning but Climate Change has made them much worse. 

Breakfast next.

A new discovery of a human like species that co-existed in the time of the Neanderthals but buried their dead and appear to have had a written communication. Homo naledi was discovered in 2013 in the Rising Star cave system in Africa's Cradle of Humanity. Scientists have now made that difficult trip into the cave with the above discoveries. More to come I am sure - what excitement. No word yet on whether DNA extraction has been successful. 

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