Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Bible Reading from Corinthians

 The Bible reading today is from 2 Corinthians 13 and again we must bear in mind that the Apostles are building the Church of Jesus Christ; the Christian Church which we by right of our baptism we have inherited from the generations that preceded us on this earth. The underlying theme in all of the New Testament is that Jesus brought us the New Commandments and they are simple, straightforward and easy to follow. Thou must love the Lord they God with all they heart and all thy soul and all thy mind and the second is like unto it thou must love thy neighbour as thyself. The Ten Commandments continue to lead us forward but the reinforcement of what God wants from us was given to us by Jesus and it is simple and straightforward. Any veering from that path is sin and 2 Corinthians 13 emphasizes that to the fullest extent possible. A beautiful sunny day (no rain unfortunately but I am watering today) has greeted us once again on God's earth. The trees are pretty much in full leaf now and the sky that I see from my workroom window is about how it will look until the coolness of Fall overtakes us in a few months time and the brilliant colours will surround us once again. But for the moment summer is here with all the pleasures that it brings - especially kayaking as I have decided to add that to my summer exercise plan for both good value in exercise and the pleasure of being out in the woods in God's world. 

Yesterday I worked on Generation 5 of the Siderfin family but must bring myself back up to speed as it is some time (over a month) since I worked on the Siderfin Book. I have been able to leave the Fourth Generation now so that is a step forward and I am into Five. I have to re-remember what I thought about the Fifth Generation as James Sanders does not give a clear picture of this generation although does provide quite a bit of information. I am busy gleaning whatever else there is that can assist me. John (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) is at Selworthy on the Protestation Returns in 1641. A son Robert is born to a John at Selworthy in 1653/1658 (the fiche of the parish registers are difficult in this time period (the parish register seems somewhat difficult which accounts for the fiche of course) and discovering more about John Siderfin at Selworthy is a necessity. I think he is the individual that married Thomasine who left her will in 1709 fairly elderly as her son is married and now at least 51 years and possibly 56 years of age with a very large family and he is still in Selworthy. Finding that marriage would be a treat and Somerset Transcriptions are particularly good. So I shall spend a little time at that today. Eventually this is the Siderfin line that goes on into the latter part of the 1700s and is the only line (John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) in the 1800s although the families are large giving us a small family name that is perpetuated on into this century in a good sized set of data. An interesting family as they do appear to have gone through wealth and then bankruptcy and then wealth again and back into bankruptcy. Always sad to see that in a family; sometimes it is because they are too kindhearted and do not take good care of their estates etc trying to be the great benefactors. Do not intend to get into that aspect of surname research actually. Just take the data as it arrives and move on.

Watering getting accomplished in between updating the Garmin in case we go anywhere this summer beyond our usual spots. The car could use a good run on the highway for sure; the technicians at the garage always tell me that. Great people and very helpful. 

Latin lesson to do today and I have not missed a day since I started. I need to start doing some of the practice routines to cement the knowledge and I downloaded a set of Latin readings to start looking at as that is the whole point in this exercise; to read the ancient documents that pertain to the various surname studies I have engaged myself to work on in my old age. George DeKay certainly set me on an interesting path. Although Edward spent some time enthusiastically with George at the beginning; their mutual interest in genealogy was the drawing card he did find that my becoming quite fascinated with my lines to be somewhat annoying as he wanted me to work on his lines when we were at repositories. I did do that but also put in some time on the various families that lived in the areas but there was considerably less on them and pretty much nothing on some as they were small surname projects until I took on Blake. We visited George less and less! which was fine as he had his own commitments and didn't need us cluttering up his schedule. I could only learn so much from George as he was into his Gray family and more interested in the Routledge-Carling connections in my line than my actual Pincombe line (the intersection with George was the Gray family (he was descended from William Gray a brother to my Robert Gray and Grace Gray, a daughter of Robert, married William Robert Pincombe). Robert Gray married Mary Routledge and her sister Margaret Routledge married Thomas Carling, their son was Sir John Carling (so as mentioned first cousin to my great grandmother). George (my third cousin once removed actually) found that very interesting when he figured it out although I did already know as my mother knew her family history quite well. But interestingly enough at that time when he was writing up the families it stirred up my mother's interest once again and I can see in her letters that she was going to the Family History Centre once again (mid 1970s) and from then on would send me all sorts of items (perhaps to stir up my interest which it did not actually, looking after my baby in a strange city and having to learn all those streets to get anywhere was very time consuming (I can  not read the road signs unless they are large so taught my children to read those signs when they were very young between two and three - must have been frightening for them now that I think about it knowing their mother didn't see very well)). I really did not go out a lot (except the "Castle" museum as my daughter called it, we went to the museum every week my daughter and I and groceries). But Edward and she went shopping every Saturday once she was mobile - she loved going places with him. I stayed home and cleaned. The only ticket I ever had was a parking ticket at the Museum because I missed seeing a sign prohibiting parking in the spot but I went and paid it right away. That is one really fantastic thing about Ottawa - all those museums and I got so that I knew them very very well. I would say though the Westminster and Delaware books took up a great deal of his time and rather wearied him at the time as I noted that on our visits. I was glad that I had finally agreed to produce the Pincombe Profile for him (with the help of my cousins living there). 

Wind is up a bit and rain is promised all next week. Hopefully that will happen. I need to do some weeding and will do that once the watering is done and the ground somewhat less muddy later today although with my daughter. Since I would rather grass it all she does need to help me with that! Onions are up, radishes are up, beans are up, spinach is up and the sunflowers are growing nicely as well as the peppers and tomatoes. In the garden section we left open the carrots are up, the beans are up, the radishes are up and if the rabbits are smart they will let these things grow until they are a good size so that they do not gobble them all up in a couple of days! Time will tell on that but the rest of the garden is fenced. The rabbit area we will leave some of the weeds especially the ones a good size as they will nibble them first!

Another beautiful day in God's world and I can only wish for peace in our world so that we can work on the things that matter. Please China do something about these errant nations that listen to you - Russia and North Korea. Get them to stop their ridiculous wars or threats of war and fear mongering. We need to work on Climate Change. Glory to Ukraine and prayers for her people that they can throw out the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. Prayers for the Freedom Fighting Russians in Belgorod and area who are fighting against the tyranny of the Nazis Putin and his enablers.  May they return Russia to the Russians and the kind of country that Peter the Great wanted for Russia - a free Russia where the people could have all the education that they want and good relations with all the world.


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