Thursday, June 29, 2023

To Ukraine: Do not go gentle into this dark night

More children killed in a vicious attack on a restaurant in Eastern Ukraine - the Russians sink lower and lower into their sins. Do not go gentle Ukrainians into this dark night; fight for your freedom and may success come to you as you regain your territory. The Russian people will have much to atone for if they do not rid themselves of the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. Their greed for land and riches is disgusting. Children should not be the target; no nation wants their children to die before their time. Russians have become like the beasts of the field; they do not think for themselves but are driven by a despot greedy for power, land and riches. Unless they act there can only be death and destruction ahead for them. Surely the whole world outside of Russia grieves for those children whose lives have been stripped from them in this horrendous murder by Russia. Glory to Ukraine. I understand the nervousness of the countries around Russia concerning the Wagner group - what if it is a feint? a pretend attack on the psychopathic Putin and now they sit closer to these countries. NATO is ready to defend as always. The desire that Russia be bombed into the Stone Age is strong in my thoughts for sure today. We reap the errors of the past that Russia was not stopped as World War II ended and corralled into their own country at that time. After all Stalin did make a deal with the greedy psychopathic Nazis to divide Poland; Russia has proven for all time that they are Nazis and that the deal that Stalin made wasn't just to buy time. The parents of the murdered children of Ukraine cry out for justice I am sure - their children; the fruit of the world have been murdered. Attacking/murdering children is disgusting.

Yesterday more work on the Siderfin book as I pad out the entries on the fifth, sixth and seventh generation descendants. It is working well having the two files and crossing out the text that has been used. I was in the process of just doing a  minor revision so I entered a lot of material into these pages as well as the material that James Sanders already had so it now needs to be transferred into this total rewrite. I downloaded Sir John Wittewronge's will from the National Archives website so that I could read it. He makes absolutely no mention of his daughter Anne who married Robert Siderfin. That was somewhat of a surprise actually but Robert and Anne did not have any children and his will did tend to look at Sir John's grandchildren. Today carrying on with that project as I work on the 5th, 6th and 7th generations together now. I am happy with the new sort with most of the lines that James Sanders had in the Robert-line going to the William-line. It just makes more sense that property held in the William-line would stay there. I suspect that Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) dying relatively young and first had an effect on how the land passed as well.

Smoke again today and the count is over 180 so an inside day for sure. We did go kayaking yesterday and it was a lovely change. Moving along the waterways in a kayak is a very interesting experience. The boat is smaller and less intimidating to the wildlife and the wake is minimal so little disturbance along the shore as we moved forward. We did not stay long though as the smoke was starting to move back in. Today is sunny and the smoke somewhat less visible than other days but it is meant to worsen. 

On to breakfast.

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