Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A New World Beckons

The consensus reached at the NATO meeting is the New World beckoning to all the countries of the world to find peace. To work together and eliminate imperialism which destroys the existing structure in a country and dominates it with very negative repercussions for that country (the enlarged Soviet Union following World War II is an example). We are past war; we said that in 1945 that wars must end as they destroy our world. Anyone endangering the world deserves to be corralled into their own country until they find a way to stop themselves from attacking other countries - that is the case with Russia attacking Ukraine - a free and independent nation. Threatening us with nuclear weapons and a Third World War is just ignorant (you destroy the world; no one benefits). Get out of Ukraine Russia; you have no right to be there. It is sad that you can have at least 50,000 young Russians killed in Ukraine but you still do not get out. You murder Ukrainian men, women and children; you destroy their land with bombing and mining and keep doing that; it is disgusting. 

Cleaning accomplished and on to the Research Week. I need to decide what to work on for these days before I start on the Kip-Kipp Newsletter. This Newsletter will mostly write itself because it will mostly be about the Y-700 test done on the Y-DNA of my husband. It is interesting and perhaps will lay to rest all stories about the ancestry of the Hendricksen-Kip line in Europe. There was truth in some of those early stories with matches going back deep into Norwegian then Viking times which was alluded to by earlier Kip family writers. But now proven; this Viking link gives a different look to the early story of this family which at some point moved from Norway to The Netherlands. But more on that in the Newsletter. I also need to get back to publishing the material which Edward purchased and we scanned. I got away from that at some point in the past year and will continue publishing that material on his blog. So perhaps I can see how this week might just flow. 

Beautiful rain last night; you could hear it pounding down and the world looks a rich green once again. July has been a kinder month than usual with all this rain. The trees are glistening with the dust washed away from their leaves. There is a rustle in the leaves today; perhaps these long-living flora can feel peace in the air. One hopes so. There are still many trees on our earth that were there before any of us were born and will be there long after we die. Harnessing the knowledge in a tree would be an interesting feat and one wonders what the future holds for us in that regard. Can Homo sapiens survive the tumult of imperialistic war? It can if imperialism stops today and forever. The lines are drawn and we need to move with the United Nations and create a war free world where all can prosper. God watches I am sure of that but does not interfere; we passed the Armageddon of the Bible when we survived the Second World War and now we need to continue to build a war free world and do our best to alter Climate Change so that the children of tomorrow and their grandchildren will have a rich and abundant earth to live on. I tend to think of Revelations as a warning rather than a conclusion.

On to the day; breakfast awaits as always. My favourite meal of the day and it never changes particularly - milk, oats, cranberries, raisins all cooked together and then add in wheat germ, wheat bran, cocoa and blueberries. A delicious hot meal summer, fall, winter and spring to begin the day. 

There are two paths open to me - the one is a retirement living apartment/room whatever where my one-room concept comes into play - I write books and do exercise (and eat) but basically continue my hermit existence on a smaller scale and the other is continuing to be a hermit with my research/publishing and trying to maintain Edwards's research until another picks that up which involves staying where I am because there is still too much stuff. I sent all the Princeton material to the museum there and they may try to interest a student in writing up the Horner material - Ed did write up one article in the Ayr News years ago on Horner. He found the story of Thomas Horner intriguing and collected a lot of material on the Horner family. It would be nice to see his work continue in the hands of another.

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