Saturday, July 1, 2023

Canada Day

Canada Day and it is a rainy smoky day in the capital. The birds are still hunkered down waiting for the smoke to pass as many of their young are too small yet to fly away to cleaner air. More rain is needed to clear this smoke away and beat down the forest fires. Hopefully July will be unusually moist as it is generally dry. 

The tomatoes are growing like weeds though already heavy with fruit although just in the early stages. The peppers are not growing quite so well but they too have a lot of small peppers growing. The garden actually looks good considering we are generally shadowed by trees anyways we are lucky to have one for sure. The raspberries are starting to turn and will soon be ready. The lack of sun means they have been slowed down somewhat. 

Yesterday I decided to try and order the will for Robert Siderfin the Elder of East Linch and Timberscombe. It is attached to the land documents so not listed independently in the wills of Somerset. It apparently takes up to 12 weeks to acquire which does work for me although it would be so nice to see what it says but patience is something of which I have a great deal so the process is begun. It is nice that the National Archives of the UK makes it so easy to acquire and look at wills. But this is a different case; the original will was destroyed in the bombing of the Exeter Record Office in 1940 and I am lucky to have discovered this one. I have now more or less moved on from the 5th and 6th generations for the William-Line, moved on from the 5th and 6th generations for the Robert-Line but still have to complete the 6th generation for the Thomas-Line. Since this line daughters out in this generation I just have to add in the details on the Darch family - Anne 6 Siderfin (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) married John Darch 9 Feb 1681 at Luxborough. Her baptism at St Dunstan in the West is somewhat strange in that it was 12 Sep 1675 but it was perhaps a late baptism unusual in families in this time period otherwise she was only six years of age when she married which is not very usual. But I go with the data. This couple did have four sons - Thomas, Robert, James and Philip. These family members are seen in the land records in the next generation. I am still suspicious that the Elizabeth on James Sanders chart recorded as the daughter of Robert 5 (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and Elizabeth (Gould previous unknown) Siderfin was actually Elizabeth Gould mentioned in her mother's will. I can not find anything further on Elizabeth. 

Today I continue working on the Siderfin Book.  I will likely bring the generations down to the early 1900s which would be around fourteen generations for a number of these lines which is quite phenomenal for a family to be that complete. It is an interesting family but only one line appears to have existed into the 1800s and that is the descendants of Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth (Question) Siderfin. Not sure why James Sanders became bogged down with the family at this point completely missing the marriage of Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth Question given that both Robert's mother Thomasine and Elizabeth's father Augustine left wills (abstract only for Thomasine and I still do not know for sure where James Sanders acquired it) but a full will for Augustine Question. All generations of Siderfin from that point forward are descendant of this couple. But the history that goes along with the Siderfin family in the 1600s and 1700s in the William-Line and the Thomas-Line is really quite remarkable. The line for Robert equally interesting but not so many records to look at. 

The world waits patiently for peace to come around once again. Why are people so stubborn and want what isn't really theirs to demand? Peace is in our grasp if only people could accept that everyone has rights and that right has to be tempered with consideration for everyone's rights. The most rights we will ever have are in the one room that you occupy. You may think whatever you want (so long as you do not infringe on another's rights) and live your life. Why rock the boat; get along; find a method that works instead of rocking the boat; it only causes trouble and is to be honest really boring to listen to. Respect everyone's rights and then we can have peace. But always remember that your exclusive personal rights end where they infringe on another person's exclusive personal rights so that exclusive area where your rights are the most important is pretty small. Respect for all; that is what Jesus taught us.


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