Sunday, July 30, 2023

Copyright or not to copyright

If I copyright the Siderfin Book revision and update that I am doing then technically no one can rewrite it until 75 years after my death. For me that goes against the very idea that I am supporting; that a personal generational book on a family be up to date. It is really of interest only to family members. A number of them read my blog and perhaps the best way to disseminate the book is by serializing it and publishing it on my blog over a period of time. That way as long as my blog exists so does the book. I can also ask if Family Search, Guild of one name-studies (I am member #4600), and the local repositories at the Registry Offices in the pertinent counties in England and the National Archives of the UK have a copy if they want one. I could donate a copy to Ancestry since they do have books on line and that would reach a large population at no cost to them other than uploading it and putting it into their system. I am not sure if Find My Past has such a system of books on their site and will investigate. I am beginning to see a clearer path. Technically it is under my copyright when I put it on my blog but I would have to complain about it and that also defeats the purpose of the work that I am doing. Plus I am informing, as I come across changes that I believe are valid and changes that are proven valid by me, on my blog on a daily basis. So yes I think I may have a process which I shall begin to investigate in the Fall since I hope to complete the book in November. Once I have such a method in place then publishing the Pencombe etc, Andover Blake family and any other book that comes to mind will be a straightforward method. 

Slept in today, too much thinking I always say and it keeps my mind active. There is another method to publish and will look into that something about property and then do not need to think about copyright which I would already have since I have created the work. I do like the idea of publishing it on the blog though although it will take quite a while to publish it as some of the chapters are long although do lend themselves to being broken up because I have created them as generational chapters but with the three lines William-Line, Robert-Line and Thomas-Line. As I am now reaching the line coming down from Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth Question and the remainder of the Siderfin male lines daughtering out it will be possible to do this same break in a different way. So I shall consider that idea as well. 

I could print the book in a few copies for family and that is also a consideration. But would not go beyond my siblings. When George DeKay published his book and I think he did three hundred copies, he did sell them to the family but it was the 1970s and it just is a different time now. One doesn't need to have a hardcover book and if one wants that it can easily be printed at Staples or another store that offers such a service. After all how valuable is such a book; only of interest to the descendant family actually. 

Another beautiful Sunday and soon time for Church once again using the bulletin and saying and singing the service. Although it is not what Jesus planned that we would do on a Sunday; the idea was to gather with like minded individuals and celebrate God. The Church was to be the fountain by which the children of God would help the peoples of the world who could not help themselves. You can see that in the briefs of contributions/donations prepared by the Churches in England over the centuries. I transcribed one for Knights Enham and it was amazing. There are perhaps ten pages of transcription but this rather caught my eye:

August 1703

Collected for the Chepstow Breif    1    9    0
Collected for Lutterworth    1    6    0
Collected for the Breif for St Giles Church    0    1    4
Collected for Gusford Breif    0    2    3
Collected for the Breif for Moxky Kisly Church    0    1    3
Collected for the Breif for Spittlefeilds    0    1    6
Collected for Farringdon Breif    0    0    11

All these entered together
According to order
Jo: Feilder (signed) Curate
Edward Dowling (signed) Church Warden

Collected for the French protestant
Refugees of the Principality of Orange
fourteen shillings

Collected for the sufferers by fire
at Wapping two shillings ten pence

Jo: Feilder (signed) Curate
Edward Dowling (signed) Church Warden

Collected for W[es]t Brompton sufferers
by fire in the County of Salop two shillings    0    2    0

Jo: Feilder (signed)

But there were also briefs for the redemption of Slaves under the Holy Roman Emperor in September 1700. As well for the Redemption of Slaves in Turkey. This one even older before 1700:

The collection for the distressed Protestants in Poland the lesser
in the Diocess of Cracow, registred according to order
Richard    Pyle Esq[ui]re    0    0    6
Mrs.    Kingsmill    0    1    0
Mrs.     Pitman    0    0    6
Laur.    Smith Rector    0    1    0
Mrs.    Blake    0    0    4
Farmer    Hawkins    0    0    4
John    James    0    0    3
Mary    Fedges    0    0    2
William    Wescott    0    0    1
Phillip    Waglin    0    0    1
John    Moor    0    0    1
George    Noys    0    0    1
William    Huett    0    1    1
Farmer    Tredgold    0    0    2
    In all    0    4    8

Laur: Smith (signed) Rector

John Treadgold (signed)

Amazing really the reach of this small village church around the world back before 1700. 

I do love the Church very much and the new commandments which Jesus gave to us from God himself - love the Lord Gord with all they heart, soul, mind and strength and love thy neighbour as ourself. 

The African leaders have returned home from their meeting in Moscow. They tried to help Ukraine and that is wondrous to support Ukraine in their hour of need. To actually suggest not helping Ukraine is a sin I think. They have done nothing wrong; they were invaded for greed and we as a people of the world must help them to throw out the imperialistic nazis Putin and his enablers. These Russian people are truly a manifestation of the Devil and destroying life for the people of Russia as well who can not escape their devil leader and his enablers.

It is late but onto the day, jumping jacks and a cup of tea. Soon breakfast and the clock is ticking towards 9:00 a.m.

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