Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Downpour and the rains came down once again

We had another good rain yesterday and today it is still this morning; no wind in the trees. The rain still dripping just a little from the trees. This has actually been a good July for rain; usually it is rather dry. I have not watered even once. Cloudy today and 18 degrees celsius at 6:30 a.m. Basement to clean today. Then cleaning finished for another week. This slow but busy way that my life moves is productive for me. I have time for working, cleaning, cooking, and just watching the television. Thank you God for our beautiful earth; may the years ahead see us heal the damage that has caused Climate Change and we become more supportive of all the beings and produce of the earth; instead of its usurper.

Ukraine has recovered 50% of what the Russians took from them; Glory to Ukraine. The mess the Russians have left behind will plague the Ukrainians for a generation as they must check each foot of earth occupied by the imperialistic invaders for mines before they will be able to work the fields and produce food for the billions of the world. Russia has committed a lot of sins in Ukraine but this sin against the world is disgusting and continues as they refuse to extend the agreement letting ships pick up grain from Ukrainian ports. Russia is disturbing the trade of the world with their illegal imperialistic march into Ukraine that has cost them thousands of Russian lives as their soldiers die on foreign battlefields created by them but mostly it has upset the trade patterns of the world. I do pray that Ukraine can rid the other 50% of their territory of the Russians soon. Glory to Ukraine.

Time for tea and letting the robot clean the rug in the basement before I begin the task of cleaning that area. The day passes quickly and I hope to get some research done today as well. I will enter in the gist of the documents that I received from the Somerset Archives. I still have not decided if I will transcribe the material and put it in. Likely not as it is fairly centered on passing land to Robert Siderfin the elder of East Linch's younger son William. Robert his elder son is not mentioned in the will but does appear on the inventory. Awaiting the document from the National Archives to complete this seventh generation work but for the most part I am following my hypothesis as I move the text about that I created to understand this particular generation. It can be easily changed if it turns out that Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) did indeed live beyond 1636 and that this death was his eldest son Robert. Since I do not actually find any material that pertains to this eldest son Robert but only to the younger son John I am somewhat confident in what this document will say. But do need to see it!

On with the day and tea is next. 

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