Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Earthquake and Fukushima

 Watching a new series called "The Days" which details the time from the earthquake and resultant tsunami on the 11th March 2011 which caused a nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma Japan. The precision with which nuclear accidents are handled is extremely important for the ultimate outcome. I am just at the beginning of the series but already the series is depicting the preciseness of the shutdown to contain any possible damage. 

Contrast that with the carelessness of the Russians in Zaporizhzhia Ukraine. Refusing to let the International Atomic Energy Agency control the plant which continues to this day although they did eventually permit members of the IAEA in to inspect. The Russians need to get out of Zaporizhzhia and all of  Ukraine as defined by the United Nations as quickly as possible; Russia is destroying our world; the peace bought so dearly during the Second World War when millions were killed including many many civilians. Remembering that the Russians signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with the Nazis to divide Poland in half but also defining "spheres of influence" for the Nazis and Russians in Northern and Eastern Europe, we did put that in the back of our minds when the Nazis did attack Russia; we helped the Russians. But with total lack of respect for the rest of the world which had developed the United Nations to end war, Russia attacked Ukraine over 500 days ago now. And they continue their barbarism to this day. Russia get out of Ukraine; go back to the borders as established by the United Nations in the 1990s. Russia is a terrorist nation with no respect for anyone but themselves. 

This will be an interesting series when one contrasts the care that was taken during the disaster in Japan with Russia at Zaporizhzhia where they created the disaster in waiting and continue to permit the possibility of a disaster actually happening because Russia does not get out and let the IAEA take the steps needed to prevent any disaster.

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