Thursday, July 13, 2023

Golfing - 18 holes

If anyone had told me that at nearly 78 I would go to a golf course and play 18 holes (not that well actually) and finish I would have had a good laugh over that. But there we were playing golf yesterday. By the 9th hole I always start to wonder what I am doing there although being out on a pleasant day with all the green grass and beautiful wild flowers along with Canada Geese in abundance (their goslings now nearly as large as they are) does turn out to be a lovely experience. But the other half of the course is effort on my part to keep going although not so much effort that in the long term it is too much. I finish up the 18th hole and I can still walk and talk quite well albeit I am tired. I love the golf carts though; big tires, easy to push and lots of room for water bottles. The people behind us are always very polite and when we are a bit slow on some of the holes they just wait patiently for us to move on. We finished in just three hours which is not too bad either. I did put the golf ball into every finish hole this time and I do set my limit at 10 shots to a hole so I am actually improving. Probably if I practised I would get better but I do not go golfing that often and time is just really limited. So in memory of Edward (certainly my daughter enjoyed her golfing days with her dad) we go golfing a few times a year remembering how much he did like to golf. 

Another rainy day and we can always use rain. Must check the raspberries a little later although the bushes do not yet look red which is the best sign that there is a good picking out there. Perhaps the birds are eating them which is also fine; I am not an enthusiastic fruit eater although do eat fruit; I like vegetables better actually other than my fruit at breakfast. 

No wind today, the world seems silent as if waiting for something. The Bible reading today was about the teachings of Jesus especially the sowing of seed. All of the stories of Jesus are interesting but his biggest truth from God himself is the new commandments - Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. We could have such a beautiful world if everyone would follow those rules. Hatred, envy, greed, and all the other sins would disappear. Respect would replace all those grievous sins and war would be no more. Walking the military graveyards and memorials in France are a constant reminder of just how horrible war is - the ages of the people who died in the dreadful wars of the 1900s. It seems long ago now; we have been in the 2000s now far into the 23rd year. For those who died, we must carry the torch of freedom in their memory so that world war never darkens our world again. The only way to have that is to be prepared to win any wars that are attempted. Plus we do not know if danger lies out in the universe and we must always be prepared to defend our planet. 

Finished up my ancestry DNA project yesterday. I now know the 38 matches from my earlier test around 2011 I think and my later test around 2018. I had 38 more matches at the 4th to 6th cousin level in the earlier test. I will look at them just out of curiosity but there are so many matches in Ancestry that a few here and there do not mean a lot and probably they are 5th to 8th matches anyway. I do find the Ancestry matches interesting mostly because there are so many and grouping them has proven to be quite interesting. Because I also have so many matches on the other databases as well I do not miss having the chromosomal value. A number of ancestry members have transferred their results as well which is also helpful. With five siblings tested the amount of data is overwhelming and all chromosomes are covered and I have created a good set of records for the DNA that passed from the four grandparents to my parents and thence to the five of us (just two siblings have not tested). 

I also spent some time on my Latin lessons yesterday. I received a three day pass to the full language learning app and worked away at that yesterday. It is interesting and perhaps I will let my daughter give me that for my birthday. I am slowly building up a vocabulary of usual words (most of the latin that I know is genealogical/legal) and especially the declensions of words which makes it easier to read the genealogical/legal documents which is my intent anyway. I do have a lot of images of documents from the 1400s and 1500s that are in latin. 

I will spend some time on Siderfin today I rather think as well as continuing to look at the full app for the Latin language learning. 

Breakfast awaits and I am hungry for sure. Yesterday was a big day and I must say these power drinks are a good item to have along on a golfing day; one could feel the energy seeping quickly into ones arms and legs as one consumed some of this liquid!

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