Monday, July 10, 2023

Interesting discussion between two Prime Ministers

The morning brought an interesting conversation between the Prime Ministers of Latvia and Canada on the news. The increase in our NATO commitment is welcomed along with acquisition of protective military equipment by the Canadian Forces. We owe it to the thousands of Canadians who died on the battlefields of Europe in the last century to be every ready to defend what they did - the right of people to self-determination. In 1945 and again at the Fall of the Soviet Union (caused by their imperialistic march into Afghanistan and their losses there plus the enlarged Soviet Union should never have existed anyway). The Soviet Union had no right to enslave all of those people in Eastern Europe; they did nothing for them; the economies of those enslaved countries were destroyed by the Soviet Union as they greedily took everything that they could those thirty years plus after the Second World War (all now in the hands of Putin and his enablers, most Russians have gained nothing it would appear as they  steal possessions of the Ukrainians and it is reported that at least 50,000 Russian soldiers have been killed on the battlefields they created in Ukraine). Countries were given guarantees by the United Nations of their sovereignty. Transgressors must be stopped particularly quickly if they prove to be Nazis (namely the psychopathic Putin and his enablers). That is and was the purpose of the United Nations. To guarantee Europe's safety NATO was created and so it has particularly in the last just over 500 days proved that as a defensive organization we are prepared to do everything in our power to prevent any breakout of Nazis anywhere (namely as the psychopathic Putin and his enablers have proven to be). Only the Russian people can rid themselves of such malignancy. But we must keep them out of the NATO countries and help Ukraine to maintain its freedom and acquire property illegally occupied by Russia. 

Cleaning day and perhaps rain; time will tell. It does appear to have rained overnight. Rain in July is a luxury for sure as it tends to be a dry month. The lawn is green the trees look healthy and there is a little wind in the trees today but not very much. The world around me is still for the moment. God is in the Heavens ever watchful; ever mindful of His creation. Homo sapiens is but a portion of that creation; we must do better to protect the earth. Prove that we are as worthwhile as the beasts of the fields, the trees and all else that is in it. 

A little work on Siderfin yesterday but  not too much. We were into downsizing mode and another box has been sorted around. It is a slow process. I just help in this project. I do know that this house is still full of Edward's material - hundreds of letters between himself and other correspondents. I am slowly pulling out the letters with his first cousins and will send them to Edward's niece to enjoy as she knew these people as well and Edward was a long time correspondent. They are not known to us particularly other than a rare visit by just one of them so they should be where other family members can enjoy them. There are still so many boxes full of such memories. Finding other researchers is something that I have contemplated these past two years and I must get busy with that this fall. 

On to the day; breakfast first.

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