Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Lovely walk on the beach

By evening yesterday it was possible to have a lovely walk on the beach; I chose that over kayaking. The wet suit which was kindly delivered and a surprise as I had thought it probably lost is a  little large and bulky but will be nice when it is cooler - like low 20s. I think it is too heavy and very black to go out in the heat. I have enjoyed the kayaking though but I have missed all the nice walking that I did last year. 

I also accomplished all the cleaning in good time. It is worthwhile to clean like that every week as there is never anything daunting to do then. 

I also worked away on the Siderfin book transferring some of the work that I did earlier from the notes I put into the original text of James Sanders; adding the references and will try to keep that up now although gardening is always beckoning. The time does pass very quickly in the summer. 

So today, the Siderfin Book primarily and researching the Somerset archives to see if there are any more hidden items in their very extensive notes for each entry. Finding more Siderfin wills would be a charm for sure. That last one was purely accidental. It will be nice to be inside once again and not outside so much!

Possibly kayaking today; time will tell or I will walk once again. Definitely some gardening to do and picking of vegetables. The tomatoes are ripening as well and the peppers are now into growing. The cucumbers are coming into flower. 

Our next big project is the Schultz material as we had decided to ship all of it but one of Edward's cousins is thinking of coming this way and if that actually happens then we can also send the teapots to Edward's niece that she wanted to have along with pictures of her parents, herself and her sister. That actually is four boxes or so of the remaining 30 plus boxes. Slowly we are working through all of Edward's collection of material. Edward did collect every piece of paper that he ever handled though I do believe. He even saved items that I had thrown away! I am not a keeper; tending to be somewhat of a dreamer lost in thought many times staring into the distance. That may be why I enjoy canoeing and kayaking. Just the opportunity to let the mind unravel as one looks ahead seeing the beauty that surrounds us every day. Living in God's world has been a treat all of these years; with all of His growing plants, animals, etc that live on the planet with us. Strange to think that Homo sapiens has been on the planet for such a short time when one regards the trees, the flowers, the animals that have had a much longer life span that that of Homo sapiens.We are a fragile people I suspect actually and still have not lived as long as the Neanderthals that walked the face of the earth. 

But onto the day; it is already 7:30 a.m. and I need my cup of tea. 

Tea in hand and looking at an article on hunter-gatherer societies which stressed that both men and women were hunters. Watching other mammals in the wild taking care of their children and it is the mother who feeds and raises her young primarily but not always but probably it is she that decides when she will be pregnant. An interesting thought in these days of attempted gender assignment of activities! Personally, I think that women have always been able to do any job that their strength would let them do. After all it was extremely important in a society that women could take over any jobs that men did. The only definite job that belongs solely to women is the reproduction of the human race and thus far nothing has replaced that. Women always have been and will continue to be the only way for the human society to reproduce; it is best actually to always keep women happy in a society so that they will be willing to carry the next generation. But a world without men would truly be a sad place; having four brothers and two sisters was a treat when I was young. Men and women are equal partners in this world and when they are not the result is unpleasant. It does and will take a lot of work to convince individuals who do not see them as equal. They are a hindrance to the advancement of our society and always have been.

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