Sunday, July 23, 2023

Misinterpretation on my part

I misinterpreted page number  for age on the Taunton Wills database on Find My Past. That has straightened up the information for William Siderfin and Mary Terrell. Working my way through the Seventh Generation adding in the footnotes and text that fits into this generation. I should be finished by the end of July with the Seventh Generation. I am past 1750 now with text that is being added. A couple of the large text items from James Sanders book will be in appendices as I have thought about how to add in his text. Initially I did consider just adding the entire book as an appendix but I think I will just add in the large text blocks that are stories about the Siderfin family members as appendices. 

With the volleyball day at Petrie Island, we stayed home and cut the grass; finding a parking spot was impossible for going kayaking. I liked to play in sports (in my younger days) but not much of a spectator. I do not have the patience to sit there and watch. Petrie is a great place to go for walking and kayaking. 

I am starting to watch for the 28th of July when the document for Robert and Ursula Siderfin will be reviewed and they will let me know if I can purchase it. It should be very interesting as it is an answer to a complaint so should have lots of details. Robert and Ursula Siderfin pretty much disappear on James Sander's Pedigree chart. He only lists John (incorrectly as 1614) as he was baptized 1619 at Minehead and omits Robert and Wilmot who were born in 1616 and 1614 respectively. There is a John Siderfin mention with Robert and Ursula in the 1653 document. By then Robert would be 66 years of age having been baptized in 1587. 

Another beautiful sunny morning in July. Probably kayaking and walking today. Time will tell. Grass all cut for another week or so but so much weeding to do. The trees are still today; no wind. Birds at the bird feeder. Last night we could hear the Whippoorwill calling. Also saw a small downy woodpecker. Lots of different birds at the feeder this past week. 

Church today said and sung by me; six more weeks and back on YouTube. I really could look for a service on YouTube but it is very meaningful to me to say the service myself and sing the hymns. The Sermon would always be interesting to go along with the readings. I do miss that. 

Today we work on the Schultz material and get that organized for Edward's cousins coming the end of August. There are a lot of lovely old pictures which will be enjoyed by far more descendants with the cousins than staying here with us. It does seem neat and tidy to do that plus they will not be lost. 

The dog days of August approach and with them the longer nights as we sail into Fall. I am looking forward to all that research time. I would like to complete the Siderfin book and be into thinking about the Pencombe book by the time of my cataract surgery; how to label it? The study has been titled Pincombe-Pinkham with the two earlier researchers both being Pinkham descendants having thus labelled it. In theory the family name was Pencombe when they were first in North Molton so perhaps The Pencombe Family of North Molton and their Pincombe and Pinkham descendants with reference to the Pencombe Family of Pencombe, Herefordshire. Seems a bit long but does capture all the commonest surnames and the intent  including the surnames that eventually flowed forward with this family. Still a few more documents on the Pencombe family of Herefordshire to acquire. Not sure if there is value in looking at the archives for the de la Zouch family. It could just be a moment in time when these two families were associated. 

Jumping Jacks, tea and a bit of organizing work and then on to breakfast. The day is reaching forward. It is God's World and we are but passengers in it for a limited time. We must do our best to take care of the world and its many occupiers. Convincing people not to do wrong is difficult. The United Nations has done well and continues to try and keep peace in the world.

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