Saturday, July 15, 2023

On to the day

Being an early riser, I do note the change in light level as July progresses and today was no exception as it was still not daylight at 5:00 a.m. but it was also because it is cloudy that one notes this change that has been creeping up on us the last nearly month since the longest day. Not being a summer person; I am quite gleeful as the fall approaches. There will still be summer but as August rolls in there is less of it to come. Summer reminds me of gardening my least favourite item and so I love to relish the thought of long research days possible in the days ahead. 

Kayaking and walking yesterday was very pleasant and one of the benefits of summer for sure. Yesterday was spent on Latin once again - I had a free three day session of access and so did do that as I wanted to see if I would use the entire app and make membership worthwhile and I did.  

Today I should start the Kip-Kipp Newsletter and will likely do that. I have a plan for this issue and some good comments from another researchers on the results of the Y-700 which were most interesting. 

We made falafel yesterday in the air fryer and it was an interesting meal. Lots of herbs from the garden along with green onions and dried chick peas soaked overnight. The food processor worked up the mixture and then cooked in the air fryer and put them into pita with greek yoghurt, humus, sliced cherry tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, grated carrot and cheese. It was a very interesting meal and I have not eaten that before. 

Looking out the window around 6:30 a.m. I saw a mother racoon and her three young walking up the yard towards the bird feeders and the fruit bushes. I did scare them off as the mother quickly gathered up her young ones and rushed them away from all the clapping. I do not like to make any animal feel at home in the yard as they need to be wild and take care of themselves. I do not care if they eat in the yard but I do chase them off. 

On to the day and the Bible Reading was the story of Esau and Jacob and their rivalry over being first born. Being the middle child in a family of seven children, I was neither the youngest or the oldest and the middle is a great place to be actually. One gets to watch how life flows for the older siblings and learns a lot of life lessons from helping the younger siblings. Even now at 77 I find that the habits of watching and learning that I acquired as a child make it easier to work my way through what life passes to me on my way through. God is in the Heavens watching and waiting to see if Homo sapiens can find that peace that we have been searching for this past century. He gave us the rule book and now we must follow it to attain happiness - Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. Peace depends on that. That peace will let us work on Climate Change and giving to the children and grandchildren of this world a better place to live than what is now hovering ahead.

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