Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Research days again

Going to have a humid spell so for sure research days once again for a little while. There is so much work to do in the garden but I am too old to do all that and my daughter is busy with her research. Amazingly everything keeps on growing including the weeds but the tomatoes, onions, lettuces, beans, radishes have all been lovely. The cucumbers are in full flower now but I am allergic to them so they will all be consumed by my daughter or the racoon whichever gets to them first. I saw a skunk this morning out the front window about 6:00 a.m. Just slinking about through the front garden and then left the way that it came back around the house next door. Lovely white stripe; amazing how it is always so white even though he/she wanders about in the garden. I guess they are very tidy animals. No sign of the racoon family in the early morning hours since I clapped them out of the yard. The sun is trying to work its way through and the air quality was 61 earlier. I think perhaps this is really an indoors day. 

Off to the doctor yesterday for my as it turns out 1.5 yearly checkup/consultation. I needed to get a blood work requisition since I am having my cataract surgery sometime this fall and learn about my colonoscopy results. No further workup needed apparently but at 78 nearly I have to die of something and so I try to keep in touch with the doctor so as not to encumber the system with a whole lot of sudden illness on my part. 

God is in the Heavens as always but no wind in the trees today to signal His presence but always watching and waiting our God to see if we can actually follow the commandments as given. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. There could be peace all over the world if people would just do that. We would still need to be prepared to do war as we have no idea what awaits us in the Heavens or here on earth. But peace is what we wanted after the Second World War and for the most part other than fractional disputes over the years we have had peace until Russia invaded Ukraine with their lust for land and property. Their pretense for doing so is laughable; they have been attacking Ukraine for nearly 100 years in one way or another. They are jealous that the Ukrainian peoples are more ancient than they are to the area and that is also part of all of this and so they maliciously kill their children along with the men and women of Ukraine as they have been doing for nearly 100 years and more. Glory to Ukraine as they take back the other 50% of their territory. I would pray for Death to the Russian Invaders but truly I would like to see the Russian people have a better life than the one given to them by the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers. Go back to the borders established by the United Nations Russians and leave the Ukrainians to live their lives and help to feed the world with their abundant harvest - your war is spoiling life for so many far beyond the borders of Ukraine.

Today I write in to the revised book of James Sanders what I discovered in the documents which were sent to me by the Somerset Research Archives service. The five pages clearly point to the accuracy of my supposition that Robert Siderfin the Elder of East Linch (and he was the son of Robert Siderfin the Elder of Linch and Timberscombe) had two sons Robert and William with Robert being at East Linch and William being at Minehead.  Neither of these lines produced a male heir who continued the line and so were daughtered out in the 1700s. Now for the document from the National Archives concerning Robert Siderfin and Ursula, along with John Siderfin, which refers to Timberscombe. It will be an interesting one and is the other part of my supposition which may prove to be accurate. Time will tell and it is the 28th of July when they may respond to me in that regard. I may yet complete the 7th generation by the end of July and then on to the 8th and 9th in August. 

Yesterday we cooked in the air fryer - lovely chicken thighs, small potatoes, green onions, peppers, carrots and broccoli and with a side salad entirely from our garden except for the lemon dressing (just lemon juice absolutely delicious). But now I am hungry so must make my breakfast. On to the day.

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