Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sunday in God's World

 Having worked very hard in the garden this past week truly this Sunday will be a day of contemplation in God's world - the seventh day was to be a day of rest and celebration of God's world. Perhaps a little rain this morning as the ground continues to need more rain. The smoke of the past couple of weeks has dissipated for the moment and rain helps to keep that in check. Yesterday I completed the laneway bricks and some garden weeding. It is strange in some ways for me to spend so much time doing gardening which is low on my agenda of things I like to do but that happens in life. As I pull out what we really do not want in the lawn and the garden I am ever mindful that these plants serve a purpose in other places but thistles in the lawn is not pleasant - strange they do not grow in the garden but perhaps I just really  notice them in the lawn. The sunflowers though are doing so very well and I have consistently watered them so that they do not die down from lack of moisture. I had forgotten that we removed all the old raspberry canes so what is left is ever bearing and they tend to be just a little later so they are slowly ripening. Mostly they are new canes so can not expect a large number likely. The cucumber vines surprise me because they get the least care but have quite taken over the back garden where we placed them - very few weeds there - they are occupying the space efficiently! Flowers are coming as well. The beans are in full flower now and if the rabbits do not eat them likely we will. The peppers are set and the plants are growing. The tomatoes have a lot of flowers set now and little tomatoes are in abundance. About four tomato plants have appeared that we did not plant and they too are in flower (left over from last year I guess). The lettuce still tasty and the herbs are making a good appearance now. The green onions are filling out nicely. They will be gone by the end of the month likely as we put them into everything. 

My bulletin is in my inbox and I will do the same as the last couple of weeks. Read and sing the service by myself - that was such a gift during COVID shutdown to have my service bulletin. I have also enjoyed the You-Tube service but I decided to revert back to COVID times and do the service myself. 

Dull out there today and perhaps rain; wind in the trees God is ever near watching and waiting. The earth needs more co-operation from us to stem off Climate Change but not everyone is willing to do what it will take to prevent damage to the earth. Some are actively damaging it and threatening even worse. Homo sapiens appears to be at a crossroads and we need to work hard to bring the earth to a better place. Interesting that it is King Charles III who leads us on this desperate journey; his entire adult life has been devoted to warning about Climate Change; encouraging organic farming to protect the land and taking this entire issue to the world. 

The day beckons and still no research done although yesterday I did more re-arranging of text incorporating more of James Sanders' text into the revised book. Perhaps some more of that today. I would like to complete the fifth, sixth and seventh generations perhaps by the end of the month. I also need to write the Kip-Kipp Newsletter. The month marches onward into the future where there must be peace - Glory to Ukraine; that beautiful uplifted plain where we all love God (and there are many different names for God - Creator being but just one) with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and love our neighbour as ourself. There we will find peace; that is what our ancestors have fought for in this past century and we need to preserve their memory by finding that uplifted plain.

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