Saturday, July 29, 2023

Thank you African countries

Thank you to the many African leaders who have told President Putin that he needs to let the grain deal recommence and that his war against Ukraine should end. As the cradle of humanity, Africa is playing such a huge part in making this world a better place. No country can be permitted to do what Russia did and continues doing; attacking a sovereign country; murdering that country's children, men and women; destroying their history and their culture and making their land unusable by mining it. Get out of Ukraine as established by the United Nations and let the path to peace begin once again.The United Nations is our place to discuss and with words; not the battlefield with weapons. 

What a storm that was yesterday. We did not get any hail that I noticed but the rain was heavy for a bit. Today there is a glorious golden sky in the east which has gradually filled the horizon. The winds are quiet although a slight breeze now and then in the trees. We have so much to worry about making sure there is a world for the children and grandchildren to be that climate change should be what we are striving to fix in this world. Not the foolish war that Russia has started and continues against the Ukrainian nation and its people. 

More work on the Siderfin book yesterday as the seventh and eighth generations are slowly coming together. Thinking about how to publish this book so that it is available to the Siderfin family members and a few suggestions thrown around included publishing it on my blog as a serial item. Sending the completed copy to any site that holds electronic books of this type - how to do this? Does one request permission to send this book to libraries? The value in the revision and updated version is the corrections which have become somewhat larger than I had initially imagined primarily because of the ability to glean records from the indexes of the repositories and then purchase the records. The cost to me remains somewhat minimal because I would have purchased the items anyway. So how to make it available with the least amount of work for me is the discussion I have been having. How does one make deposit copies of a book so that it is available where it can be useful? Hopefully over the next couple of months I can find answers to these thoughts. The initial run of the book does appear to be less than 200 copies but being available on Internet Archive and a couple of other places has made a difference in the viewability of the original book. Hence the need to revise and update it since it was published in 1912 and directed really at a small number of the descendant lines in the Robert Siderfin/Elizabeth Question family. 

Today must be a gardening day of some sort. I have found that my lack of interest in gardening has rather increased the amount of weed in my backyard; flowers from the yard on either side are moving in and I will probably let that happen since I do like the colour but next year I must look more carefully at this regenerative gardening. I do think that you need to weed before the top layer of soil is added. I did do that in the small area behind the raspberries and that worked well until just lately when the weeds are now more noticeable. I think one must probably weed. The smoke and the heat have complicated gardening this year as I have avoided being out in that. 

Last night we made Thai larb and it was quite delicious. The resultant meat/vegetable mix was at the perfect state of moistness that we were able to place it into lettuce cups and then eat it in a taco type holder. Really quite delicious along with a broccoli/raisin/sunflower seed salad. We enjoy that recipe. Again the recipe makes enough for two meals and perhaps a small third one. Tomorrow it will be a Fritata with a Focaccia - wheat and rye flours plus a mixture of tiny tomatoes sliced, green onion, garlic, sesame seeds on top and a romaine/purple lettuce salad on the side. 

Just 16 degrees celsius outside so a welcome change from the heat spell of the last few days. The dog days of August are coming as the nights lengthen once again. All that research time ahead; must buckle down and get some more gardening done! But first jumping jacks, my tea and then an hour or so on the computer with my favourite solitaire games. and perhaps some latin on duolingo to start the day off.

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