Sunday, July 2, 2023

The year is now more than half gone

Working in the hospital all those years ago now was interesting. I learned a lot although I did come in to this work with some background having worked in the hospital laboratory years earlier (and my the process has become so streamlined!). Plus medicine always interested me but primarily from the point of view of a medical missionary aspect where I would go to Africa and help people there. That was a very long time ago now for sure. But one interesting fact that given the tax levels in Canada physicians are now basically working for nothing because they pay more than 50% in taxes - I think we should keep that in our minds because they do work hard; they do not do a lot else when they are working because there isn't really time. They do holiday like the rest of us but even then if they fly or drive they never know when their services will be needed even on their way to vacation time. It is a field where you are always "on call" so to speak if you are needed. That is the way with such specialties and definitely the world has to have physicians - it is one of the oldest professions in the world. COVID-19 did show us the professions/trades that are absolutely needed. The vaccine showed us the people who really cared about other people.

Worked on Siderfin yesterday and it was an interesting time as I continued to move text about; mostly mine yesterday that I had created as I worked through the Pedigree Chart which James Sanders produced providing my point of view on how I think it should flow. Acquiring the will of Robert Siderfin the elder will be a bonus and aid me very much in my quest to firmly establish the descent lines coming down through the William-Line, Robert-Line and Thomas-Line. It is surprising given the number of male children that two of the lines should daughter out by the sixth generation to be honest and I am ever on the lookout for misspellings of the Siderfin name in the records. But there are basically a number of male lines that either do not grow to adulthood and marriage where they may produce sons or the records are missing. They could have moved away from the area (but their inheritance was there and it should show up in the records). I tend to search any of these Siderfin names on all of England rather than just searching Somerset because the border of Devon, Gloucester, Wiltshire is not that far away. But thus far I have not found anything that shows these male lines moving away from the area. But we are dealing with a time in British history (the Commonwealth Period) when records could easily have been lost but one would expect to find something in the times after Restoration of the Monarchy with the return of Charles II and that type of searching is ongoing with each movement forward in time towards the mid 1700s. 

Another smoky day perhaps although the air quality is at moderate this morning 58 at 5:00 A.M.  and down to 45 at 7:00 A.M. It is 17 degrees celsius and does look like rain and rain is in the forecast later. The gardens are doing well although the smoke isn't that good for them either; they need sun. One can understand Canada and Forest Fires if you fly over this country. It is all wooded from the air with the most open part being around Toronto and Montreal. Eastern Ontario is heavily wooded as you basically fly over woods to get to Ottawa. Flying over Quebec and it is very wooded. We love our trees for sure and they are a huge part of our economy but Canada is rich in natural resources of all kinds. With our population now over 40 million it will be possible for Canada to continue moving forward and up as a powerhouse in the world. But as the Prime Minister said yesterday Canada is a great place to live; we do tend to respect all peoples in our country and expect everyone who comes here to live that lifestyle - lack of respect for our fellow man/woman is why the world gets into turmoil. 

The day is moving onward and it is Sunday again. I will either look for a Service online since Christ Church is not doing You-Tube this summer or I will read and sing the service from the Bulletin. It is my sin of omission for sure; I am not there in the Church building but at 77 I have become like my ancestors of old who did not attend the services in person but definitely I am there in my heart. 

On to Breakfast and the day. Likely spent inside mostly once again although will get out and have a look at the garden and fill the bird feeders (which also appear to feed the local chipmunks and the squirrels)!


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