Friday, August 18, 2023

And the cleaning continues

 Yesterday we spent the afternoon cleaning windows and putting bird silhouettes on the windows. We had a bird strike the other day; the bird did manage to fly away again as it had not been a hard strike but we decided we need to get the job done of putting on these bird silhouettes and clean the windows. So just a bit left to do and that task accomplished. 

I put together the next issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham newsletter and the main story is the upcoming book which I plan to start in the new year. I am realizing that I could also put a chapter of the book into the newsletter over the next few years and will likely do that as well as serializing in on my blog. The next issue will be published on the 1st of September on the FT DNA website as a link.

The day moved quickly as do all days it would appear. Life is always very busy. Up a bit early today and will soon have breakfast. I think hunger does wake me up and it often makes me think of all that grain and produce in Ukraine being blown up and just how dreadful that is to destroy food when people are starving in the world. When one starts to count up the sins that Russia is committing surely the destruction of food is a grievous one along with greed and envy and murder for that matter. The murder of the innocents of Ukraine will be a blemish on Russia for a long time. They could alleviate that time greatly by simply getting out of Ukraine and returning to their borders after the breakup of the Soviet Union. They caused their own demise by attacking Afghanistan and they never actually had the right to enslave all of those people in the Soviet Union anyway but we did not listen to Winston Churchill. Should have done so. 

Breakfast and on to the day although it is early at 5:45 a.m. for sure.

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