Thursday, August 3, 2023

And the work continues

Yesterday more formatting of the material for the tenth generation. This could be the longest part of continuous work on the book as I put the information from the census and other records into some sort of readable fashion. I have used the ability to format large sections of text which has cut down on some of that work but the bulk of it will be line by line. I may perhaps finish the tenth generation this week but still remaining are the footnotes for all the data references and the census. Footnoting a book does take a lot of time. But occasionally I go back to the beginning pages as I consolidate and continue to edit that portion as well. I did make a change at generation four in how to present the book and so must bring the first three generations portion into a similar reporting form as the latter ones. It is a cleaner method though and I find the results to be smoother to read.

Kayaked yesterday for the first time in perhaps three weeks. I tried out my wet suit and it does work well. It is tiring though I must admit and would do better just doing shorter spates. We will see how that goes. It is just fun to be out on the water once again. We canoed throughout our marriage, the canoe quickly followed the purchase of the car along with a compact tent. We did spend a lot of time camping and canoeing in our first seven years of marriage. But we also took the girls canoeing a lot until finally they took the canoe out. I was glad that it found a new home with a family. 

Today I need to find a place for the McNiff project which Edward worked on with another. I am not quite sure what to do with the paperwork. It is a long time since that project was done but it was a loyalist project. Perhaps I should read through it and that might give me a clue. Gradually all that work that Edward did is finding a new home. The branches of his family tree are shared by many but not all the same people unfortunately. There wasn't a sort of natural heir to the combined work. He also did a lot of sideline work on other topics which I am also busy sorting out now. The paperwork is perhaps valuable to others and I need to check and make sure of that. My days flow by quickly for sure. But the gardening does not get done. Possibly not all my fault we did have a lot of smoke in the days when a lot of gardening is done. Next year though perhaps a little differently; something to minimize the amount of work that needs to be done. I shall clean out all the beds through the fall and that will give a fresh start in the spring. Funny, how much easier it is to just clear it all away than it is to maintain it. 

A cloudy day and 18 degrees celsius at 8:41 a.m. I am late today and must do breakfast soon. Perhaps the kayaking made me just a little tireder than usual and I slept like a log. Probably good for a person but does delay the day!


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