Sunday, August 20, 2023

Continuing saga of the Siderfin document on East Linch

 As I work through this document I discover that I may not be correct in thinking that the Ursula Frank mentioned is the now wife of Robert Syderfin. We are now into the spot where Wilmott (daughter of Robert and Ursula Syderfin) is mentioned and she was betrothed to marry Robert Franck. The marriage which did not happen. He could not acquire sufficient funding to create the Jointure which would have involved the land at East Linch. So the story, like a soap box opera almost, is the Frank family trying to use this Jointure as if it had occurred and claim the land at East Linch. Amazing really. But the evidence provided does make one more aware of how life flowed in this time period. The land at East Linch was Robert Siderfins and namely Robert Siderfin the Elder and the Younger as mentioned in the Protestation Return of 1641/2. In the early 1640s Robert Siderfin the younger would have been in his early teens or younger and Wilmot younger than that but this is 11 years later. I need to do the entire document carefully making sure that I am absolutely correct that this is the Robert that I think it is Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and not Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). The presence of a wife named Ursula is interesting as Robert 4 married Ursula Webber but that was 23 Jul 1611 and their daughter Wilmot was baptized in 1614. Robert 5 was  baptized 27 Nov 1611 so not likely married much earlier than 1630 and Wilmot was second child named in her grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin's will written in 1644. With the history recited thus far in the document I am transcribing the story which does not seem to be a very long time ago which leads me to Robert 5 but I must be sure and perhaps by the end of the document I will have enough clues to be absolutely sure or at least in that ball park. 

Cool this morning at 7:00 a.m. just 15 degrees celsius; the crickets are singing; Fall is coming and most welcomed. The forest fires in the north are relentless and so many people evacuated to protect them. 

The weeks are passing quickly in August and yesterday I noticed some of the birds flocking; it is approaching rapidly the time of migration. All of the young of the year have to make that great flight to the south to their winter habitat. The parents have prepared them well. 

Another day of review of Edward's material as we gradually work through everything. It is a slow process but we have six more boxes ready for the Schultz and Kipp lines including two boxes for Edward's nieces. One is full of memories of their family life which Edward captured on camera through the years. Still more of that to come as we begin the task of refining the photo albums but probably not yet. We can relive the years from even before our marriage in 1966 up to the early 2000s when we went all digital and stopped producing photo albums to look at.  

Russia is complaining about Ukrainian drone attacks - they should get out of Ukraine and then there will be no more attacks. Russia started the war; they need to remove themselves from Ukraine and back to the borders as established at the end of the Soviet Union. Leave Russia and let the world have peace once again. A peace shattered often enough in small ways but Russia has brought us back eighty years plus and no one except them wants to repeat that dreadful war. They claim to have lost 50 million people in the Second World War one wonders why they would put their people through that again - obviously because they (the psychopathic nazi Putin and his enablers) do not care how many Russians die. 

The day moves onward, it is Sunday and Church by myself with my bulletin. Breakfast is first.

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