Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Eye imaging today

 Today is the day that I go in for two eye imaging procedures. This is a precursor to cataract surgery I understand. Looking forward to the surgery actually. It will be my first real surgery as I have only ever undergone procedures. Probably not unusual for a lot of people although I wonder if the removal of my wisdom teeth was surgery - not sure about that and it would be dental surgery anyway. That was 56 years ago now when I had my wisdom teeth removed. 

Cleaning all accomplished yesterday for the top and middle floors and today the basement which is by far the easiest of the levels now. Every week a few more items do leave the basement but it is a slow process. We need to determine if we might need it. 

I was listening to the news talking about caesarean sections the other day and the value of natural childbirth for the babies well being and such discussions always remind me of the birth of my children. For my first child I was in labour on and off for three days and then the last 36 hours straight at that time. It was exhausting and I do not really remember her birth other than when she cried just after birth. For my second gestation at six months I asked if I needed a caesarean section (looking for a referral) after having had three days of labour and the final 36 hours  of constant labour since I was then nearly 36 years of age (this was eight years later). I was told that there were no problems so this trusting soul went into labour once again hoping for the best but it was 30 hours straight of labour once again and I barely remember her birth either other than her cry. Whenever I watch a movie that involves a birth it does make me think back on those two deliveries and my lack of memory of other than their cry at birth. For such long labours one wonders if a caesarean birth isn't better for both. 

But on to the day; in retrospect birthing is like a blink in time really. The passage of time is over very quickly so it is better just to have the best care that one can have for both the mother and the baby and  make up for any deficiency in a caesarean birth after the fact. 

Probably no work on the Siderfin document today; I did manage about half of a dozen lines yesterday. But I probably have eye drops today so will wait a day to work on the document. It was interesting though yesterday. More information on Willmot who apparently died before she married. So all the more interesting but it does make sense that a piece of land does not become the property of a would be husband when the marriage never occurred! But I am only half way through there is probably more material yet to come. No mention yet of the eldest son Robert and just a brief mention of John. I am still convinced this is Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and not Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) but will continue to work my way through the document. It is interesting that both of these men were married to an Ursula though. 

Time for jumping jacks and tea. Not having the Schultz and Kipp material is a relief for me. I had not realized how much the responsibility of all that original family material was weighing on me. 

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